Re: quick summary of candidate assessment meeting

From: Isobel Hook (
Date: Fri May 10 2002 - 01:41:47 PDT

  • Next message: Mamoru Doi: "SDF and SDFw comparison by Naoki"

    Hi Greg,

    > Note to Isobel and Chris: There are spectroscopy targets which could be
    > started at Gemini and VLT. In particular, if the brighter ones in the
    > SDFe/w or 14h+05d can be done prior to Keck this might help save time
    > at Keck.

    OK, but that really means tomorrow night (which is pretty short notice) or
    doing these observations in parallel with Keck. In the first case I'll
    have to get the phase II file ready tonight or tomorrow. In the second
    case I really think we need someone (probably me) in Hilo to reduce data
    and help the observer acquire the objects. I am happy to do that but I'd
    like to know a.s.a.p where I should be on Saturday!

    In the meantime I'll start putting a couple of the brighter ones into the
    phase-II software for GMOS.


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