What it does

Plotparent serves two distinct purposes. Firstly, it can display the number of counts left (the residual) when the reference image fiducial (ref) is subtracted from the new image fiducial (new). This can be done for one image, showing all the fiducials horizontally with the residual ploted vertically, or it can be done for one fiducial with each new ploted horizontally. The average of these sets can also be plotted. Secondly, the ratio fiducialnews/fiducialrefs can be plotted versus R-I color.

How to view residual vs. fiducial,image, or average

For this type of display the calling sequence is of the form:

IDL> plotparent,962,direc='mar.31.97'

where 962 is the canidate number, and the directory where the already completed lightcurve resides is mar.31.97. The proceedure will make a call to plotfiducials which in turn will make calls to ltcvchild. If the lightcurve has not yet been made, these proceedures will automatically begin creating one. This takes a real long time and shouldn't be continued unless you know what your doing (i.e. your name is Rob).

To find out what the directory names for a given canidate are, check on the groupwork page on the web and look under Deepsearch Candidate Tracking System . When viewing an iband lightcurve, the calling statement should end with /iband. If you forget this, the proceedure will not find the lightcurve file even if you have the correct directory specified, and it will begin making a new lightcurve.

Assuming everything goes smothly, you will be prompted with:

>>>>>>> Enter type of display <<<<<<<
one <F>iducial one <I>mage <A>verage :

type F to begin displaying the residual for a single fiducial over all of the new images, or I to begin dispalying the residual for a single image for all of its fiducials. You can enter the fiducial number you wish to start with, and how many you wish to see per display, and then the proceedure will begin showing you the plots. After each new screen, you will be prompted with

<W>rite plot to file <N>ext display <Q>uit :

Type W to write out the plot in postscript form to the current directory, Q to quit the current series of plots, and anything else to run through the remaining plots.

Selecting A from the first prompt will display a single graph with two plots. These corespond to the average of the initial F and I options.

How to view Rnew/Rref ratio vs. Rnew-Inew color

The calling sequence for this section is similar to the preceeding section except two directories must be specified. The form is:

IDL> plotparent,962,rdirec='mar.31.97',idirec='apr.7.97'

where mar.31.97 is the directory with the R-band lightcurve and apr.7.97 is the directory for the I-band. Make sure you place the appropriate r or i before direc or you will wind up in the previous section. Add /stand to the sequence to run the plots for stars (fiducials are the default). No /iband keyword is needed.

It will take some time for the proceedure to initilize becasue it must make two calls to ltcvparent. At the end of the initialization, the proceedure will report how many fiducial objects or stars from the I and R primary reference images were matched, display the ratio vs. R-I for a given Rnew,Rref, and Inew, and then prompt you with (fiducials only):

Press enter to continue <m>ove on:

Press enter to step through all the combinations of Rnew,Rref, and Inew. When finished, type m to move on to a grand average of all of these plots. Press enter again to see the error bars, and the result of a least-squares-fit to a line for the data.

Finally, pressing enter again will begin showing two plots per display of the Rnew/Rref for a given Rnew and Rref versus the average of Rnew/Inew. The top plot showing all the data points, error bars and a least squares fit, and the bottom showing the same data averaged into 0.1 Rnew/Inew bins, with its own error bars and a seperate least squares fit. Again, w wirtes out the current plot to the current directory, and q stops the proceedure.

July 28,1997 --- Robert Quimby