Dear John, RE: ``The Hubble Diagram of Type Ia Supernovae as a Function of Host Galaxy Morphology'', reference MC872. Thank you for forwarding the referee's report on our paper. We have responded with a revised version which I have ftp-ed to the MN FTP site. Please note that we wish to submit this paper in electronic form upon acceptance for publication, and that the paper has 4 colour figures where we believe the use of colour is essential for the paper. The revisions respond to the referee's comments as detailed below. > 1.- The last sentence of Section 7 ("conclusions") must be > rewritten. In particular : i)*the word "speculation" concerning the > work of Rowan-Robinson (2002) should be removed ; more , a critical > discussion of this work should be achieved in Section 6 > ("discussion"). ii)*the use of the word "to demonstrate" concerning > the work of the authors is not appropiate;I rather suggest > something like "to show", for instance . We have redrafted the final paragraph of Section 7 and expanded the discussion of Rowan-Robinson (2002) as requested by the referee. > 2.- Several authors of this paper belong to the SNAP > Collaboration. (Supernova Acceleration Probe ) is a space- > based experiment pro-posed by Perlmutter et al.1999 ( > ) to measure the expansion history of the > Universe and study the dark energy. It is known that the control > of systematic uncertainties is one of the pri-mary goals of > SNAP.It would be interesting to learn what is expected from SNAP > for the studies and the results presented by the authors in this > paper. > 3.- About references i)*"Aldering et preparation" is often > quoted by the authors. Is it a preprint now ? ii)*page 4, > Sullivan et al. quote in the text :"Phillips, 1999" : It seems to be > missing in the "references".Or is it "Phillips et al., 1999" ? > iii)*it would be better to insert in the "references" : -P97 in > "Perlmutter et al.1997" -P99 in "Perlmutter et al.1999" as it is > mentionned in the text. The Aldering et al. paper is still in preparation. The reference to "Phillips, 1999" has been changed to "Phillips et al., 1999". P97 and P99 are now so marked in the bibliography. Other minor points: =================== 1) In the low-redshift sample of SNe, we have now decided to include the Riess et al. SN 1996bo, as upon further examination we were able to achieve a satisfactory fit to the light-curve. 2) For consistency with P99, we have re-fit the Riess et al. SNe using the "exponential" template used in P99, rather than the "Parab20" from Goldhaber et al. 2001. This has a very small effect on our final numerical results and figures. The text is updated to reflect this change. 3) Figure 4 (and related figures) had a small inconsistency. We originally plotted "rejected" low-redshift C-T SNe, but did not plot low-redshift "rejected" CfA SNe. We have remedied this by removing the relevant C-T SNe from these plots (these SNe are used in none of the cosmological fits in the paper). 4) We have made some other grammatical corrections and minor textual additions. Yours, Mark Sullivan -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dr. Mark Sullivan, Tel (Work) : +44 (0)191 374 8293 Room 321, Physics Department, Tel (Home) : +44 (0)191 383 2635 (University of Durham), Tel (Mobile): +44 (0)7786 862514 Science Labs, South Road, Fax : +44 (0)191 374 3749 Durham DH1 3LE, UK E-mail : -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-