![]() | GEMINI OBSERVATORY observing time request (HTML summary) | ![]() |
Semester: 2005B | Observing Mode: queue | ||
Instruments: GMOS South | Gemini Reference: Not Available | ||
Time Awarded: Not Available |
Title: | The Nature of Dark Energy from Type Ia Supernovae |
Principal Investigator: | Isobel Hook |
PI institution: | University of Oxford, Department of Physics, Astrophysics, Nuclear and Astrophysics Laboratory,Keble Road,Oxford,OX1 3RH,United Kingdom |
PI status: | PhD/Doctorate |
PI phone / fax / e-mail: | +44 1865 283107 / / imh@astro.ox.ac.uk |
Co-investigators: | Ray Carlberg: University of Toronto, carlberg@astro.utoronto.ca Andy Howell: University of Toronto, howell@astro.utoronto.ca Don Neill: University of Victoria, neill@uvic.ca Kathy Perrett: University of Toronto, perrett@astro.utoronto.ca * Chris Pritchet: University of Victoria, pritchet@uvic.ca Mark Sullivan: University of Toronto, sullivan@astro.utoronto.ca Richard McMahon: Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, rgm@ast.cam.ac.uk Justin Bronder: University of Oxford, jtb@astro.ox.ac.uk Greg Aldering: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, galdering@lbl.gov * Saul Perlmutter: University of California, Berkeley, saul@lbl.gov Reynald Pain: CNRS-IN2P3, Paris, Reynald.Pain@in2p3.fr |
Partner Submission Details (multiple entries for joint proposals)
NTAC | |||||||
Partner | Partner Lead Scientist | Time Requested | Minimum Time Requested | Reference number | Recommended time | Minimum Recommended Time | Rank |
United Kingdom | Hook | 5.0 hours | 5.0 hours | Not Available | 0.0 hours | 0.0 hours | |
United States | Perlmutter | 2.5 hours | 2.5 hours | Not Available | 0.0 hours | 0.0 hours | |
Canada | Pritchet | 7.5 hours | 7.5 hours | Not Available | 0.0 hours | 0.0 hours | |
Total Time | 15.0 hours |
The amount of spectroscopic follow-up performed will define the success of this survey. Approximately 700 of the 1000 SNe Ia detected will be spectroscopically confirmed in a coherent program involving all of the world's major telescopes (Gemini, VLT, Keck). Gemini, with nod-and-shuffle observations, plays a pivotal role within this collaboration (Howell et al 2005). The goal for Gemini this semester is to obtain types and redshifts for ~30 SN Ia candidates between redshift 0.6-0.9 (the total for Gemini over 5 years will be ~300 SNe Ia candidates), contributing to a large, high quality and homogeneous SN Ia sample with photometry, spectroscopy, light-curve sampling, and colour information superior to any existing -- or planned -- sample.
This continuing QR (quick response) proposal is for GMOS-N time; a similar request for GMOS-S time has been submitted.
Observations of SNe Ia, the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB; e.g., Spergel et al. 2003), the properties of massive clusters (e.g., Allen, Schmidt, & Fabian 2002), and dynamical redshift-space distortions (Hawkins et al. 2003) yield a complementary, yet consistent, picture of a flat universe with Omega_Matter=0.3 and Omega_Lambda=0.7. In the redshift range around z=0.3-0.9, the SN results are most sensitive to a linear combination of Omega_Matter and Omega_Lambda, close to (Omega_Matter-Omega_Lambda). By contrast, galaxy clustering and dynamics are sensitive primarily to Omega_Matter alone, while the CMB is most sensitive to (Omega_Matter+Omega_Lambda). Although combinations of other measurements can lead to a separate confirmation of the universe's acceleration (e.g., Efstathiou et al. 2002), taken alone it is the SNe that provide the best direct evidence for dark energy, with a confidence greater than 99%.
One of the most pressing questions in cosmology now is: "What is the nature of this dark energy?". There is a fundamental difference between a Cosmological Constant and other proposed forms of dark energy -- the former being equivalent to the vacuum energy (constant in time and space) as opposed to a slowly-varying scalar field (e.g., "dynamical Lambda" models such as quintessence). The distinction can be addressed by measuring the dark energy's average equation-of-state, <w>= <pressure/density>, where w=-1 corresponds to a Cosmological Constant -- most scalar-field models predict w>-0.8.
Current measurements of this parameter (e.g. Knop et al. 2003; Tonry et al. 2003; Riess et al. 2004) are consistent with a very wide range of dark energy theories (see Peebles and Ratra 2003 for a comprehensive review). The importance of improving measurements to the point where <w>=-1 could be excluded has led to a second-generation of supernova cosmology studies: large multi-year, multi-observatory programs benefiting from major commitments of dedicated time (i.e. the ESSENCE survey at CTIO and the more ambitious SNLS described here). These "rolling searches" find and follow SNe over many consecutive months of repeated wide-field imaging, with redshifts and SN type classification from coordinated spectroscopy. Our over-arching goal is to derive a constraint on <w> by building an order-of-magnitude larger statistical sample (i.e. ~700) of SNe in the redshift range z=0.3-0.9 where <w> is best measured. With this sample, we aim to answer the key question: Is the dark energy something other than Einstein's Lambda?
The CFHT Legacy Survey (http://cfht.hawaii.edu/SNLS/ and http://legacy.astro.utoronto.ca/) is an ambitious repeat-imaging wide-field survey conducted in 4 filters (g'r'i'z'), utilising an imager field four times larger than used in the next largest survey (ESSENCE, at CTIO), with twice as much time devoted to the survey. The full five-year CFHT "Supernova Legacy Survey" (SNLS; which began full operation in August 2003 and is due to end in 2008B) will provide the biggest improvement in the determination of the dark energy parameters achievable over the next decade. The 700 well-measured SNe Ia, together with an Omega_Matter prior known to +/-0.03 (i.e. 10%), will allow us to determine w to a statistical precision of +/-0.07, distinguishing between w>-0.8 and w=-1 at 3-sigma (Fig 4).
Though uncertainties due to K-corrections, gravitational lensing and Malmquist bias are small compared to the statistical error of current SN samples, our large SNLS sample will reduce statistical errors to the point where some systematics may again become important. The SNLS dataset itself will allow powerful tests and place constraints on several of these key systematics, as the following examples indicate.
Multi-colour lightcurves: The rolling search with multiple filters (g'r'i'z') will generate the first large high-redshift SN Ia dataset with complete colour coverage throughout the lightcurves (see Fig. 1 for examples of typical SNLS light-curves). This enables comprehensive extinction studies since all the SNe are sampled over a wide, rest-wavelength baseline. We will measure the stretch-corrected peak magnitudes across a range of rest filters, thus breaking the degeneracy between dust and SN intrinsic colour.
High-statistics subsamples: Sullivan et al. (2003) divided high-redshift SNe into subsamples based on host galaxy morphology. This is an important first test of evolutionary and dust effects that will differ in different host galaxy environments. The large SNLS sample will allow us to perform such tests with much better statistics and in much more detail. As in Sullivan et al., the narrow galaxy emission and absorption lines detectable with Gemini spectroscopy of SN+host provide valuable constraints on host galaxy stellar populations.
Tests for spectral evolution: Folatelli et al. (in prep) have made quantitative measurements of spectral features in a sample of low-redshift Type Ia supernovae, and have found correlations between certain features and SN luminosity. Our Gemini spectra have proved to be of high enough quality to extend this work over a wide range of redshifts and test for evolution in the properties of SNe Ia. Final reductions of Gemini spectroscopy and typing are complete up to mid-March 2005and results up to Aug 2004 will be presented in Howell et al. (2005, submitted). Measurements of spectral features and tests for evolution using the Gemini dataset are also well advanced (Bronder et al. in prep).
Conclusion: This continuing proposal focuses on the extraordinary science opportunities presented by the CFHT Legacy Survey. With a large increase in statistics for SNe at redshifts 0.3-0.9, the range most sensitive to w, we have made major strides in our ongoing multi-semester campaign to build a well-measured SN Ia Hubble diagram (see Fig 2 and "status" sections of technical case). These data are crucial for studying the cosmological parameters and the nature of dark energy (Fig 4). They also serve to refine our evolution/dust checks on systematics. By supporting this program Gemini will continue to play a leading role in this fundamental science.
Name | Source | Type |
Figures page (figures 1-4) | gemini_figures_05b.ps | PS |
Now well into the second year of the survey, SNLS has matured into a highly focused survey whose technical characteristics are well understood. The survey is on track to locate and identify over 2500 SN candidates (~40 per month) during the survey lifetime (Fig. 2), of which ~1000 will be SNe Ia at z<0.9. Thus, the size of our confirmed SN Ia sample will be limited only by the amount of spectroscopic follow-up time available. Over 160 spectroscopically confirmed SNe Ia have been discovered to date (Fig. 2 and Howell et al 2005), comprising the largest-ever homogeneous sample of high-z SNe. At the current rate of 11 confirmed SNe Ia per month, we will have approximately 700 confirmed SNe Ia by the end of the survey (Fig. 2); this will form the largest and most homogeneous high-z SN sample available over at least the next decade. With Legacy Survey given the single top priority out of all projects observed at CFHT when observations are due (every 4th night during dark and grey time), our unprecedented discovery rate and time-sampling will remain unparalleled.
We have developed a reliable technique to optimise our spectroscopic follow-up. Using the real-time (in contrast to final) g'r'i'z' photometry (Fig. 1), we are able to predict candidate redshift and phase -- as well as a probability that the candidate is a SN Ia -- after only two or three epochs of CFHT data. These predictions allow us to schedule follow-up time when a SN is at maximum light, efficiently rejecting AGN, variable stars and SNe II from our follow-up program. When this technique was applied, 80% of SNe observed at Gemini have been confirmed as certain or probable SNe Ia (Howell et al. 2005), compared to the ~50-60% confirmation rate that was previously achieved at various 8m-class telescopes (Lidman et al. 2005, Matheson et al. 2005). Only 3% have turned out to be confirmed or likely non-SNe Ia.
We have obtained spectroscopy of 77 candidates in 155 hours of observations at Gemini since 2003B. Final spectroscopic reductions are done immediately after receipt of the data from Gemini using our custom-written pipeline, and we post types and redshifts on our website. We have submitted the first spectroscopic paper from the survey (Howell et al 2005). Other spectroscopy papers will follow presenting the VLT data (Basa et al) and analysis of Gemini spectra (Bronder et al).
Now that CFHT has observed each field many times, deep reference images are available, allowing final subtractions and the first science to emerge. CADC releases final reductions of CFHT data around two weeks after each month's run is complete; this reduction has a superior fringe removal and flat-fielding when compared to real-time data. Our final photometry pipeline then delivers science quality light-curves a month after the reduced data are available, and we are able to produce Hubble diagrams, including Gemini-observed SNe, within 5-6 months of the spectroscopic observations (the SNe must be followed for around two months after maximum light to fit their light-curves).
The SNLS collaboration has recently produced a status report for the CFHT SAC, including preliminary cosmological results (also shown in Figs 2 and 4). This report is available at http://snls.in2p3.fr/notes/ (username snls, password megacam). The completed analysis of the first year SNLS cosmological results will be ready for publication later this year. A draft paper (Astier et al) is available (see references below).
The Gemini Observatory plays the leading role in the observations of the highest-redshift targets. Each supernova must be spectroscopically identified, classified, and a precise redshift determined for the heavy investment in multi-colour lightcurves to pay off in a Hubble diagram. In the range 0.6<z<0.9 (where Gemini observations are focused), the key features for the identification of a SNe Ia are redshifted into the region of the spectrum dominated by sky emission. Nod and shuffle (available only at Gemini) virtually eliminates the systematic errors associated with sky and fringe subtraction, allowing reliable automated error-weighted fits of the candidate's spectrum against a library of SN templates (combined with an expert's eye!) to determine the SN type (Fig. 3).
The overheads associated with Gemini observations make deep exposures an efficient use of telescope time (brighter candidates are observed at VLT). Gemini targets have i'=23-24.2, with GMOS exposures of between 1 and 2 hr. With an average exposure time of 1.5 hr, and 30 minute overhead per object, we again request 60hr (total from all partners, both telescopes) in order to observe approximately 30 SN candidates in 2005A. This is in line with our observations to date-- see above. All observations will use a 0.75" slit, the R400_G5305 grating, and OG515 order sorting filter, with one of two central wavelengths depending on the predicted redshift of the target. The slit PA is chosen to pass through both SN and host galaxy to obtain a SN type and a host redshift. Our experience shows that the dispersion of the R400 grating (~2A/pix) gives excellent nod and shuffle sky subtraction, and we rebin the data ~10x afterwards for SN typing (see Fig. 3).
As SNe Ia will be discovered and reach maximum light throughout the semester, observing time should be spread throughout 2005B. We obtain SN detections in real time at CFHT (<24 hr turnaround), and the Phase 2 proposal is updated daily during each dark period. The coordinates quoted here are the coordinates for the search fields -- exact target and guide star coordinates will be entered into the PhaseII when known. This is a QR (quick response) proposal, for which the triggers are SN discoveries from SNLS.
Spectroscopy on 8m class telescopes is essential for this project to succeed; the total amount of spectroscopic time needed is well beyond the reach of any one group or nation. We are applying for 60 hrs of Gemini time this semester (30 hrs Canada, 20hrs UK, 10 hrs US). The Gemini-S request is for 15 hr (7.5 hr Canada, 5 hr UK, 2.5 hr US) and the Gemini-N request is for 45 hr (22.5 hr Canada, 15 hr UK, 7.5 hr US). I.H. will continue as PI and pricinpal contact. We are also applying for 60 hr of VLT time per semester (PI: Pain), and for 4 nights of classically scheduled Keck-LRIS time every "A" semester (PI: Perlmutter) when the Groth Strip (D3) cannot be seen by VLT or Gemini-S.
The co-investigators on this proposal represent the core collaboration; see http://snls.in2p3.fr/people/snls-members.html for a complete list.
--Allen, Schmidt & Fabian, 2002, MNRAS 334, 11 --Astier P. et al., 2005, in prep. Draft available at http://snls.in2p3.fr/conf/ (username snls, password megacam) --Efstathiou et al., 2002, MNRAS 330, 29 --Hawkins et al., 2003, MNRAS 346, 78 --Howell A. et al, 2005, ApJ, submitted. Available at http://snls.in2p3.fr/conf/ (username snls, password megacam) --Lidman C et al 2005, A&A, 430, 843 --Matheson T et al, 2005, AJ submitted (astro-ph/0411357) --Knop et al., 2003, ApJ 598, 102 --Peebles & Ratra, 2003, Reviews of Modern Physics 75, 559 --Perlmutter et al., 1999, ApJ 118, 1766 --Riess et al., 1998, AJ 116, 1009 --Riess et al., 2004, ApJ 607, 665 --Spergel et al., 2003, ApJS 148, 175 --Sullivan et al., 2003, MNRAS 340, 1057 --Tonry et al., 2003, ApJ 594, 1
Observation | RA | Dec | Brightness | Total Time (including overheads) |
CFHTLS-D1 | 02:26:00.00 | -04:30:00.0 | i=22-24 | 5.0 hours |
GSC0469401164 (oiwfs) | 2:26:06.778 | -4:33:11.16 | 10.96 mag | separation 3.61 |
observing conditions: SN Spec | resources: GMOS South | |||
CFHTLS-D2 | 10:00:28.60 | +02:12:21.0 | i=22-24 | 5.0 hours |
GSC0024401641 (oiwfs) | 10:00:30.266 | 2:09:07.49 | 14.44 mag | separation 3.25 |
observing conditions: SN Spec | resources: GMOS South | |||
CFHTLS-D4 | 22:15:31.67 | -17:41:05.7 | i=22-24 | 5.0 hours |
GSC0638100228 (oiwfs) | 22:15:17.758 | -17:42:09.76 | 12.94 mag | separation 3.48 |
observing conditions: SN Spec | resources: GMOS South |
Observing Conditions
Name | Image Quality | Sky Background | Water Vapor | Cloud Cover |
SN Spec | 70% | 50% | Any | 50% |
Scheduling Information:
Synchronous dates:
Optimal dates:
Keywords: Cosmological distance scale, Survey
Reference | Time | % Useful | Comment |
GN-2005A-Q-11 | 45.0 hours | Follow up of CFHTLS supernovae. Program underway (in band 1). 9.5 hrs used to date (5 targets observed). | |
GS-2005A-Q-11 | 15.0 hours | Follow up of CFHTLS supernovae. Program underway (in band 1). No time used to date. | |
GN-2004B-Q-16 | 45.0 hours | 100 | Follow up of CFHTLS supernovae. Successful semester (program in Band 1) - 23 targets observed. Results up to October 2004 are presented in Howell et al 2005 (submitted). The remaining spectra have been reduced. |
GS-2004B-Q-31 | 15.0 hours | 15 | Follow up of CFHTLS supernovae. The program was in band 2 at GS. competition with other programs resulted in only 2.25hrs of data being taken (1 target). Data reduced. |
GN-2004A-Q-19 | 43.0 hours | 100 | Follow up of CFHTLS supernovae. Successful semester (program in band 1). 22 targets observed. Results presented in Howell et al (2005, submitted). |
GS-2004A-Q-11 | 17.0 hours | 7 | Follow-up of CFHTLS supernovae. Weather and competition with other Band 1 programs led to a lower than expected completion rate (1 target observed in 1.2hrs). Results presented in Howell et al (2005, submitted). |
GN-2003B-Q-9 | 45.0 hours | 100 | Follow-up of CFHTLS supernovae. Successful semester (program in band 1). 22 targets observed. Results presented in Howell et al (2005, submitted). |
GS-2003B-Q-8 | 15.0 hours | 63 | Follow-up of CFHTLS supernovae. Weather and competition with other Band 1 programs led to a lower than expected completion rate. 3 targets observed in 9.5hrs. Results presented in Howell et al (2005, submitted). |