\relax \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces (Left): Our major new result based on several cycles of HST data showing the averaged Hubble diagram (SNe within $z < 0.01$ of each other have been combined) for all supernovae from our low-extinction subsample. The solid curve overlaid on the data represents our best-fit flat-universe model, $(\Omega _M,\Omega _\Lambda = (0.25, 0.75)$. Two other cosmological models are shown for comparison. (Center): Our latest joint measurements of $\Omega _M$ and $w$ assuming $\Omega _M + \Omega _\Lambda = 1$ and that $w$ is not time-varying. Confidence regions (68\% and 90\%) are shown for the SCP SN Ia data overlaid with LSS measurements and combined CMB measurements. (Right): 68\% statistical confidence intervals on the dark energy equation of state possible from {\it SNLS} when it is completed 5 years from now, assuming a flat universe (from CMB measurements), and with (solid) and without (dotted) a prior on $\Omega _M$ from Large-Scale Structure. If a small systematic error is introduced, the statistical confidence interval will miss the correct simulated $\Lambda $ ($w=-1$) solution by $2\sigma $ (long-dash). }}{4}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces {\it Left:} I-band, B-band lightcurves and B-I color curve for a normal supernova. The solid line segment indicates the region where $I$ vs $B$-$I$ can be described by a linear relation. Plotting points show the proposed NICMOS observations. {\it Center:} The $I$ vs $B$-$I$ Color-Magnitude diagram showing data between 0 to 35 days after $B_{max}$ for several SNe\nobreakspace {}Ia, in order of increasing host-galaxy extinction. Filled circles correspond to epochs in the linear $B$-$I$ CMAGIC region (typically 14--28 days after $B_{max}$). Wan03 showed that a universal slope fits the linear relation for all well-observed nearby SNe Ia. {\it Right:} A sample of recent SNLS ``raw'' r- and i-band data as seen in real time (not shown here: g- and z-bands) for five SNe Ia at $z\sim 0.5$. Note the early discoveries and the comprehensive high signal-to-noise follow up. }}{5}}