\relax \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Comparisons of simulated measurements of the time variation of $w$, the dark-energy equation of state ratio. The measurements are based on a simulated Hubble diagram for SNe Ia that extends out to redshift $z_{\rm max}$. The uncertainty in this measurement, $\sigma (w')$ improves significantly as the redshift range of the SN sample increases, until it levels off around $z = 1.7$ for a realistic scenario with systematic uncertainties (at a level achievable with future instruments currently being designed), and a prior on $\Omega _M$ with 0.03 uncertainty. Less realistic scenarios with even better prior knowledge of $\Omega _M$ (and possibly an idealized supernova and idealized measurements, i.e. no systematic uncertainties) give uncertainties in $w'$ that level off around $z =$ 1.5 or 2.3. }}{6}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces Comparative spectral energy distributions for redshifted Type Ia and Type II SNe. The thick red line shows the maximum-light spectrum of an SN\nobreakspace {}Ia redshifted to $z=1.56$. The series of black curves show the spectrum of an SN\nobreakspace {}II at maximum, at $+$5 days, and and $+$25 days, in this case redshifted to $z=1.50$. The wavelength ranges of the Treasury search filters are overlaid. It is apparent that the F606W-F814W colors for an SN\nobreakspace {}Ia at maximum and an SN\nobreakspace {}II just a few days after maximum (for Type IIp) will be similar when these objects have similar redshifts. Most of the SN\nobreakspace {}II will be detected after maximum (the most probable date is 10 days after maximum). Thus, Treasury F606W images --- of 1 orbit duration --- will generally not detect the $z>1.2$ SNe\nobreakspace {}II, and it will be impossible to screen out the SNe\nobreakspace {}II based on the signal in this band. Fortunately, as described in the text, other methods can be used to distinguish SNe\nobreakspace {}Ia and SNe\nobreakspace {}II. }}{7}}