\relax \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces Figure 1a (Left): Projected 68\% statistical confidence intervals on the dark energy equation of state possible from {\it SNLS} when it is completed 5 years from now, assuming a flat universe (from CMB measurements), and with (black-solid) and without (blue-dot) a prior of $\Omega _M$ from Large-Scale Structure. If a small systematic error is introduced, the statistical confidence interval will miss the correct simulated $\Lambda $ ($w=-1$) solution by $2\sigma $ (red-dash). Figure 1b (Right): Our major new result based on several Cycles of HST data showing the stretch-corrected SNe\nobreakspace {}Ia Hubble diagram for the SCP dataset plotted according to the class of the host galaxy. The inset shows the high-redshift SNe, the main panel the Hubble diagram for the entire sample. SNe\nobreakspace {}Ia in E/S0 host galaxies show significantly less scatter than those in later types, and the E/S0 and spirals give values of $\Omega _{\Lambda }$ and $\Omega _M$ for a flat universe which agree to within their 0.1 uncertainty (Sul03). }}{4}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces The $B$ vs $B$-$I$ Color-Magnitude Diagram for several example SNe\nobreakspace {}Ia ordered by host-galaxy extinction going from top to bottom. The triangles show data points taken 0 to 35 days after $B_{max}$. The data shown as large red dots correspond to epochs during which the relation between magnitude and color is linear of all SNe (this is 13--25 days after $B_{max}$ for $B$-$I$. Using this linear relation we define fiducial magnitudes, which are found to be better distance indicators than maximum-light magnitudes (Wan03). Note that a single slope can be used for all SNeIa.}}{5}}