Confidence regions in the (\omegam-\omegal) plane from the 42 distant SNe~Ia in Perlmutter \etal\ 1999, overlaid with simulated contours illustrating the improvement in the determination of these parameters that will be possible on the timescale of this survey. The simulated 2-$\sigma$, 3-$\sigma$ contours (confidence levels as indicated) are based on three advances over the current results: 1) the full 5-year dataset of the proposed SNLS survey. 2) a dataset of 200 well-measured SNe~Ia from, for example, the Nearby Supernova Factory, and 3) a gaussian prior on $\sigma(\omegam) = 0.03$ (centered in the simulation on $\omegam = 0.28)$ reflecting the improvement anticipated from large scale structure and CMB measurements. Confidence region in the ($$-\omegam) plane, assuming a flat universe, from the 42 distant SNe~Ia in Perlmutter \etal\ 1999, overlaid with a simulated 1-$\sigma$ contour illustrating anticipated improvement. In this case, the simulation was based on only a mid-project SNLS dataset (300 SNe), along with the same assumptions as in Fig. 2 for the nearby SNe and the prior on \omegam. The simulation was done assuming $w=-0.8$ and demonstrates the ability to test whether a cosmological constant fits the data or if some other model of dark energy is required.