The PI of this project, R. Knop, together with his research team at Vanderbilt University, will lead the performance and management of this search and related observations. They will be supported by the rest of the international SCP collaboration, including the supernova team at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), which includes five research scientists, four post-docs, three graduate students, and other support personnel. The SCP has access to substantial computing resources both at Vanderbilt and at LBNL's National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) supercomputing center; these resources will be more than ample to perform the search and ensure efficient use of on-sky telescope time. Details are discussed in the Technical Description for the CTIO Mosaic runs. R. Knop is in the process of applying for external funding to support travel as well as a post-doc and/or 2--3 graduate students to work on this survey. Even in the absence of direct support for the members of the SCP at Vanderbilt University, the supernova team at LBNL (funded by the DOE) as well as the rest of the SCP is committed to the success of this survey, and will provide travel money, manpower, and equipment to ensure that it succeeds. R. Knop has been the primary researcher responsible for coordinating the actual search during SCP campaigns of recent years, and has been the primary maintainer of the search software. As such, he is uniquely qualified to manage this rolling supernova search. This project will take advantage of the survey data pipeline being developed by the NOAO Data Products Group. This pipeline will produce overscan, bias, and flatfield corrected images from Mosaic at CTIO. (If the Data Products Group pipeline is not available at the beginning of this survey, we will use the SCP pipeline which has been successfully used during numerous previous CTIO~4m searches; in the past, the preliminary reduction pipeline ran on a small number of laptop computers brought to the observatory by the observers.) These flatfielded images will then be transferred to computers at LBNL and Vanderbilt, where they will be combined and subtracted using the proven SCP search software which has been used to discover SNe at CTIO and other telescopes. This survey will be an excellent test of both the pipeline of the Data Products group, as well as in the efficient use of data produced by that group. It will rely on the Data Products Group to provide flatfielded images in a timely manner, and will then quickly turn these flatfielded images into SN discoveries which will be reported in IAU circulars, as well as observed spectroscopically by other telescopes and published in the astronomical literature. Furthermore, this survey will serve as a testbed for involvement of LBNL's NERSC supercomputing center in the National Virtual Observatory (NVO). The impact of the survey on NOAO resources will be modest. The SCP will send 1--2 observers to CTIO during each month's run to perform the observations during each half-night of the survey. Past experience indicates that there will be more than sufficient network bandwidth to send one half-night's worth of flatfielded data over the course of one night. While the use of the network connection will be intermittently high, the survey will not need significant bandwidth to the USA for more than (conservatively) $\sim10$ hours every three to four nights. An additional observer will be sent to KPNO and then MMT to perform spectroscopic observations during the nights of those runs. The runs requested are listed at the end of this section. Please note that the exact timing of the runs flexible, as discussed in detail in the Technical Description for the CTIO~4m Mosaic runs. It is possible, for example, that subsequent years of the survey may use fields at different declinations . For example, the first two years of the survey could search equatorial fields as described in the default plan here; the last three years could move to a large negative declination (in which case the survey could proceed without the KPNO~4m and MMT time requested, and would be replaced by proposals to SOAR and Gemini South). The SCP is aware that Chris Stubbs' High-z team is also proposing a large supernova survey. If both proposals are given time, the SCP expects and hopes to coordinate with the other team to ensure that the two surveys are run so as to maximize the scientific benefit of both. \begin{verbatim} Observing Runs Requested for Each of the Five Years of this Project Semester Telescope Instrument # of Nights Moon Acceptable Months ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2002B CTIO-4m Mosaic 3.5 dark Sep or Jan 2002B KPNO-4m MARS 2 dark Sep or Jan 2002B MMT RCHAN 1 grey Sep or Jan 2002B or 2003A CTIO-4m Mosaic 4.5 dark Oct or Feb 2002B or 2003A KPNO-4m MARS 3 dark Oct or Feb 2002B or 2003A MMT RCHAN 1 grey Oct or Feb 2002B or 2003A CTIO-4m Mosaic 3.5 dark Nov or Mar 2002B or 2003A KPNO-4m MARS 4 dark Nov or Mar 2002B or 2003A MMT RCHAN 1 grey Nov or Mar 2002B or 2003A CTIO-4m Mosaic 3.5 dark Dec or Apr \end{verbatim} This same sequence of runs is repeated for each of the subsequent four years of the survey.