Deepsearch Meeting Notes, 2000 January 19

Summer Student Deal

Summer student selection starts in February. Rob suggested that there be one person who is overseeing each summer student. Susana says that she thinks having two students run by one person is a lot. Rob points out that there should be one person responsible for supervising each student.

Rob says he could use one summer student for data reduction. The person would have to be computer competent. Susana says that you have to move fast enough in order to get your hands on the students with the best experience. Susana says that the dealine for applying for the summer is February 1, and for the fall is March 1. Saul is wondering if this could mix in with getting somebody who is between undergraduate and graduate school, who would stay around for a year or more.

Greg argues that we'd like to work top down. Start with the grad students, then choose intermediate (2-year term?) post-undergrads, and finally choose summer students.

Greg said that he was interested in getting a summer student to do non-SCP stuff, but that student would have to be exceptional. Peter has zero interest in a summer student, but he does have interest in a graduate student who would have interest in doing spectrum synthesis for a potential thesis project. Greg wonders if perhaps Dan would be interested in doing it. This Peter guy would be mostly a theorist; this summer he would be learning how spectra work. Then, starting in the fall, they'd work on analysis tools. Then, later on, they could start running spectrum synthesis codes.

Susana also says that we could get a summer student to redo the web pages. There is a big debate about this, of course. There are a few conclusions.

There are also issues of space and body count.

It looks like we might get a "Rob's Undergrad", unless Ariel could send a student for a couple of months we could harness for data reduction. Greg might get an undergrad if he can find one soon enough. In terms of body count, there are three slots in 50B-5215, to dedicate to a hopefully new graduate student, Shane (just for the summer), and our "Deepto" (intermediate person here for 2 years). In 50-5030, we have one open guest spot we'll keep for Alex Lewin and possibly Ariel/Reynald level visitors. (Plus, there's a slot there for Greg's private student.) In 50-5036, there are two slots, one for a possible Ariel student working for Rob, maybe one for Rob's undergrad. Finally, in 50-5004 (Alex and Brenda's office), if Alex gets a summer student, he will go there.

Bottom line: Greg will hire one if he finds one he likes, and Rob will hire one (if he still works here), and Alex and/or Brenda may hire one.