Some details of how the plot was made (IMH) To get the date from each high-z spectrum I compared it to the time series of SN92A. First I normalised all the template spectra to a 2000A region at the middle of the high-z spectrum. For each template I then just calculated a chi-sq using the difference between the spectra over the region of overlap. I repeated that for templates at different dates and found the minimum chi-sq with by fitting a curve to the lowest points. I did the same for nearby templates as a check (shown as stars on the plot). N.B. Some of the hi-z spectra (the ones with boxes round them) have had some galaxy template subtracted. This could affect the correlation since the amount of galaxy to subtract was chose arbitarily to make the shape of the spectrum look right! Also, the program has problems for dates earlier than about -5 since that is the earliest date of template that I have used.