Keck spectra May 1996 Data reduction (LBL, May 1996) data in ka = /home/astro26/deepsearch/keckspectra/apr96/ data in km = /home/astro26/deepsearch/keckspectra/may96/ made lists: apr_all.list ccdproc Trim: [21:2069,40:448] AS BEFORE overscan: [2080:2145,45:445] apr96 data: overscan level 990-1010 ? may96 data: overscan level 780-800 pixel scale: ~ 0.34 arcsec/pix ? (guess from looking at finding charts) manual says: 0.215 for direct imaging. We binned in y by factor of 2 >> 0.43 BIASES ------ look at 014-019 >> bias1 : combine & see if there's structure. and 092-095 >> bias2 : also look for changes over course of night. no repeatable pattern so ignore bias frames. May96 ----- Bias 039-045 Bias 138-142 'Opt' setting only: lris0030.imh,ROTPOSN = 121.00000104 lris0031.imh,ROTPOSN = 121.00000104 lris0032.imh,ROTPOSN = 121.00000104 lris0033.imh,ROTPOSN = 121.00000104 lris0034.imh,ROTPOSN = 121.00000104 lris0035.imh,ROTPOSN = 121.00000104 lris0036.imh,ROTPOSN = 121.00000104 lris0037.imh,ROTPOSN = 121.00000104 lris0038.imh,ROTPOSN = 121.00000104 lris0039.imh,ROTPOSN = 121.00000104 lris0040.imh,ROTPOSN = 121.00000104 lris0041.imh,ROTPOSN = 121.00000104 lris0042.imh,ROTPOSN = 121.00000104 lris0043.imh,ROTPOSN = 121.00000104 lris0044.imh,ROTPOSN = 121.00000104 lris0045.imh,ROTPOSN = 121.00000104 lris0046.imh,ROTPOSN = 59.99630374 lris0047.imh,ROTPOSN = 59.99742332 lris0048.imh,ROTPOSN = 60.00204331 lris0049.imh,ROTPOSN = 59.99360115 lris0050.imh,ROTPOSN = 60.00709260 lris0051.imh,ROTPOSN = 60.00251044 lris0052.imh,ROTPOSN = 60.00226602 lris0053.imh,ROTPOSN = 60.00755058 lris0054.imh,ROTPOSN = 59.99838267 lris0055.imh,ROTPOSN = 59.99670421 lris0056.imh,ROTPOSN = 59.98930735 lris0057.imh,ROTPOSN = 60.00085655 lris0058.imh,ROTPOSN = 59.99206392 lris0059.imh,ROTPOSN = 60.00253494 lris0060.imh,ROTPOSN = 59.99606138 lris0061.imh,ROTPOSN = 59.99632110 lris0062.imh,ROTPOSN = 60.00184900 lris0063.imh,ROTPOSN = 59.99963684 lris0064.imh,ROTPOSN = 60.00239788 lris0065.imh,ROTPOSN = 59.99503820 lris0066.imh,ROTPOSN = 60.00153398 lris0067.imh,ROTPOSN = 60.00025821 lris0068.imh,ROTPOSN = -21.99933265 lris0069.imh,ROTPOSN = -22.00014890 lris0070.imh,ROTPOSN = -21.99958470 lris0071.imh,ROTPOSN = -21.99953311 lris0072.imh,ROTPOSN = -22.00067733 lris0073.imh,ROTPOSN = -14.00124740 lris0074.imh,ROTPOSN = -14.00052750 lris0075.imh,ROTPOSN = -13.99651662 lris0076.imh,ROTPOSN = -26.99397493 lris0077.imh,ROTPOSN = -27.00086882 lris0078.imh,ROTPOSN = 44.99814803 lris0079.imh,ROTPOSN = 44.99809939 lris0080.imh,ROTPOSN = 45.00725166 lris0081.imh,ROTPOSN = 45.00050421 lris0082.imh,ROTPOSN = 44.99933834 lris0083.imh,ROTPOSN = 45.00090233 lris0115.imh,ROTPOSN = 9.99916087 lris0116.imh,ROTPOSN = 9.99958639 lris0117.imh,ROTPOSN = 10.05620283 lris0118.imh,ROTPOSN = 11.54995489 lris0119.imh,ROTPOSN = 11.55027806 lris0120.imh,ROTPOSN = 11.55198149 lris0121.imh,ROTPOSN = 11.54866640 lris0122.imh,ROTPOSN = 11.55002700 lris0123.imh,ROTPOSN = 11.54671730 lris0138.imh,ROTPOSN = -33.99957180 lris0139.imh,ROTPOSN = -33.99994321 lris0140.imh,ROTPOSN = -33.99958661 lris0141.imh,ROTPOSN = -33.99909646 lris0142.imh,ROTPOSN = -33.99933480 FLATS CORRESPONDING IMAGES TO FLATFIELD 062-065 030-033, 046-061, 066-067 070-072 068-069, 073-077 081-083 078-080 119-123 115-118 COMBINING FLATS with IMCOMBINE ----------------------------- imcombine lris0062,lris0063,lris0064,lris0065 flat62to65 > flatcombine.log imcombine lris0070,lris0071,lris0072 flat70to72 >> flatcombine.log imcombine lris0081,lris0082,lris0083 flat81to83 >> flatcombine.log imcombine lris0119,lris0120,lris0121,lris0122,lris0123 flat119to123 >> flatcombine.log RESPONSE: response flat62to65.imh flat62to65.imh rflat62to65.imh response flat70to72.imh flat70to72.imh rflat70to72.imh response flat81to83.imh flat81to83.imh rflat81to83.imh response flat119to123.imh flat119to123.imh rflat119to123.imh lpar response: calibration = "flat119to123.imh" Longslit calibration images normalizatio = "flat119to123.imh" Normalization spectrum images response = "rflat119to123.imh" Response function images (interactive = yes) Fit normalization spectrum interactively? (threshold = INDEF) Response threshold (sample = "*") Sample of points to use in fit (naverage = 1) Number of points in sample averaging (function = "spline3") Fitting function (order = 10) Order of fitting function (low_reject = 0.) Low rejection in sigma of fit (high_reject = 0.) High rejection in sigma of fit (niterate = 1) Number of rejection iterations (grow = 0.) Rejection growing radius (graphics = "stdgraph") Graphics output device (cursor = "") Graphics cursor input (mode = "ql") CR removal - may96 ---------- imh looked at images in /home/astro26/deepsearch/julia/may96/ Target frames for May96: 060 l060s6cr ( object is bright & gets zapped at lower sig) 061 l061s5cr (4 sig has sky problem, but could be OK) 066 lris0066 object gets zapped even at 15 sig 067 lris0067 " 068 lris0068 sky lines problem - object & lines not being zapped the same. 069 lris0069 " " 074 l074s4cr see below (9621) 075 l075s4cr " 076 l076s10cr poor sky line in red but narrow & uniform over object 077 l077s7cr " (lower sig >> another line messes up object) 078 l078s5cr looks good 079 l079s4cr looks good EXTRACTIONS ----------- imh's extractions in home/astro26/deepsearch/keck/may96/is/ (except 9621 for now in /home/astro26/deepsearch/julia/may96/ NOT ANY MORE (Jul 97). They have now moced to /home/sp/julia/may96/ ) In apall set gain=1.9, readnoise =6.0 (from LRIS manual/IMH's notes at telescope). We were using 'low' gain setting. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SN1996W runs 60,61 3 objects extracted ap#1 row 107 - HII region ? ap#2 row 179 - SN ap#3 row 270 - galaxy nucleus W calib : 059arc F calib : sf0057 combined with sarith >> sn1996Wc ------------------------------------------------------------------- SN1996M runs 66,67 1 object extracted (SN on galaxy, but galaxy not extracted) W calib 059arc F calib sf0057 combined with sarith >> sn1996Mc ------------------------------------------------------------------- SN95110 68 & 69 1 object extracted W calib: No arc taken at this object. Use 073 F calib : use sf0057 combined with sarith >> sn95110gc Wrote as ascii later (7 jul 97) >> sn95110gc.asc problem with 5577 sky line. tried fixing it by taking background regions nearer to target. Didn't help (see 068w2) ------------------------------------------------------------------- SN9617 runs 76,77 3 objects extracted (only 2 were done at telescope) W calib 073 or 080 arc. Both give solution that's off by ~3A overall. (estimated from sky lines) use 073arc F calib: sf0057 combined with sarith >> sn9617c problem with 5577 ap#1 row 119 H & K ,OII? @ z=0.582 ? ap#2 row 170 H & K, OII @ z=0.654 ap#3 row 183 H & K + break @ z=0.654 ? - this is target wfits sn9617c[*,1,1] sn9617c_ap1.fits wfits sn9617c[*,2,1] sn9617c_ap2.fits wfits sn9617c[*,3,1] sn9617c_ap3.fits ------------------------------------------------------------------- SN9621: extractions in /home/astro26/deepsearch/julia/may96/ Moved to /home/sp/julia/may96/ runs 074,075 use arc073 standard - use 057 or 058 (check 058 not saturated - decided to go with 057) - wavelength calibrate standard using 046 (arc) (arc) apall lris0046 out=alris0046arc refer=lris0057 backg=none trace=no (standard) using lris0057 (exp=2sec) since lris0058 (exp=3sec) may be saturated Arc (alris073arc) for lris0074 and lris0075 apall lris0073 out=alris0073arc refer=lris0074 trace=no backg=none reident using lris0046arc Wavelength Calibrating Standards 057 and 058 using lris0046arc ccdhedit alris0046arc REFSPEC1 alris0046arc ccdhedit alris0057 REFSPEC1 alris0046arc dispcor alris0057 dlris0057 ccdhedit alris0058 REFSPEC1 alris0046arc dispcor alris0058 dlris0058 Object: dispcor alris0074 dlris0074 CREATING SENSITIVITY FUNCTIONS: - julia stand dlris0057 std0057 star=hd84937 caldir=onedstds$irscal/ sensfunc std0057 sf0057 extraction- used 4sig cr rejection - imh i.e. l074s4cr, l075scr l075 OK l074- has problems (bad sky lines at: 1312-1315, 1442-1446, 1467-1472, 1761, 1768) made a 1d extraction of divided frame to show problem:l074div_x extractions (target only): alris0074 - extracted from non-cleaned image (imh) alris0075 - " alris0074cr - extracted from cr-cleaned image alris0075cr - " saved aperture files wavelength calibration: alris0073arc (imh) >> dlris0075 etc flux calibration: sf0057 >> clris0075 etc combined cr-cleaned ones: sarith clris0074cr + clris0075cr sn9621cr_comb fixed sky absorption: see later >> sn9621cr_comb_fix julia combined non-cr cleaned ones >> sn9621_comb Julia copied these to individual files & wrote them out as ascii >>sn9621kgal_comb.0001.asc etc Extracting other objects in frames: Nine objects extracted ! marked aps on 074 & used that as ref for 075. listpix 9621allaps_crc[*,2,1] > 9621_ap2.asc listpix 9621allaps_crc[*,3,1] > 9621_ap3.asc listpix 9621allaps_crc[*,4,1] > 9621_ap4.asc listpix 9621allaps_crc[*,5,1] > 9621_ap5.asc listpix 9621allaps_crc[*,6,1] > 9621_ap6.asc listpix 9621allaps_crc[*,7,1] > 9621_ap7.asc etc.. imh wrote as fits later: wfits 9621allaps_crc[*,1,1] 9621_ap1.fits wfits 9621allaps_crc[*,2,1] 9621_ap2.fits wfits 9621allaps_crc[*,3,1] 9621_ap3.fits wfits 9621allaps_crc[*,4,1] 9621_ap4.fits wfits 9621allaps_crc[*,5,1] 9621_ap5.fits wfits 9621allaps_crc[*,6,1] 9621_ap6.fits wfits 9621allaps_crc[*,7,1] 9621_ap7.fits wfits 9621allaps_crc[*,8,1] 9621_ap8.fits wfits 9621allaps_crc[*,9,1] 9621_ap9.fits row numbers | obj#1 102.14-108.14 z=0.835 H & K obj#2 127.51-139.07 dont know (faint) obj#3 158.15-164.15 z=0.813 ?emission line- maybe OII or OIII ? obj#4 174.62-183.07 z=0.828 H&K (SN host gal) obj#5 187.61-193.61 z=0 M star obj#6 205.29-218.18 z=0.828 H & K obj#7 250.63-258.63 dont know obj#8 268.83-274.83 dont know obj#9 311.93-317.93 dont know ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SN9611 runs 78,79 2 objects (only one extracted at telescope) W calib : 080arc F calib : use sf0057 - maybe try the other standard later ? ap#1 row 182 - Ha, OIII, Hb, z=0.194 ap#2 row 287 - hard to trace. lost at blue end in #079 listpix sn9611c[*,1,1] > sn9611c_1.asc > sn9611c_ap1.may96.asc listpix sn9611c[*,2,1] > sn9611c_2.asc > sn9611c_ap2.may96.asc wfits sn9611c[*,1,1] sn9611c_ap1.may96.fits wfits sn9611c[*,2,1] sn9611c_ap2.may96.fits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCS: 080 arc - use ap#1 from 9611 apall kmj$lris0080 out=080arc ref= 079_1 recen- trace- back- intera- reidentified using 073arc 1A difference at red end between 073 & 080arc. No difference at blue end 059 arc - use ap#2 from run 60 to trace apall kmj$lris0059 out=059arc ref=060_2 recen- trace- back- intera- reidentified using 073arc. about 1A difference between 059 and 073 arcs. CORRECTION for SKY ABSORPTION ----------------------------- starting with flux-calibrated standard HD84937 hd_c (copy of clris0057). Fit continuum using splot: 't' enters fitting mode. 'f' replace spectrum with fit. 'q' quit fitting mode 'i' write out spectrum in sarith, divide fit by original >> hd_div in splot, take out features that aren't atmospheric using Lisa's plots >> hd_div2 multiply targets by this: sn9621cr_comb * hd_div2 = sn9621cr_comb_fix