Reduction of data from Keck March 97 LRIS spectroscopy run - Isobel Hook ----------------------------------- 0. Preparation - Read data onto /disks/diskb/ihook/keck_mar97/*.fits (on Nights 2 and 3 only: lris0028.fits - lris0166.fits - FTP'd CR cleaning program from to sci5:iraf/CR/pct_CR_rem.e - set up aliases in : set km97 = "/disks/diskb/ihook/keck_mar97/" set raw = "/disks/diskb/ihook/keck_mar97/raw/" set khome = "home$keck_mar97/" 1. Reading data into IRAF rfits @khome$fits.list @khome$iraf.list Checked run numbers agree with file numbers hedit *.imh OBSNUM update- 2. Running CCDPROC Trimming & Overscan correcting trimsec=[25:2064,25:424] biassec=[2080:2145,25:424] cl> lpar ccdproc images = "@khome$iraf.list" List of CCD images to correct (ccdtype = " ") CCD image type to correct (max_cache = 0) Maximum image caching memory (in Mbytes) (noproc = no) List processing steps only?\n (fixpix = no) Fix bad CCD lines and columns? (overscan = yes) Apply overscan strip correction? (trim = yes) Trim the image? (zerocor = no) Apply zero level correction? (darkcor = no) Apply dark count correction? (flatcor = no) Apply flat field correction? (illumcor = no) Apply illumination correction? (fringecor = no) Apply fringe correction? (readcor = no) Convert zero level image to readout correction? (scancor = no) Convert flat field image to scan correction?\n (readaxis = "line") Read out axis (column|line) (fixfile = "") File describing the bad lines and columns (biassec = "[2080:2145,25:424]") Overscan strip image section (trimsec = "[25:2064,25:424]") Trim data section (zero = "") Zero level calibration image (dark = "") Dark count calibration image (flat = "") Flat field images (illum = "") Illumination correction images (fringe = "") Fringe correction images (minreplace = 1.) Minimum flat field value (scantype = "shortscan") Scan type (shortscan|longscan) (nscan = 1) Number of short scan lines\n (interactive = yes) Fit overscan interactively? (function = "legendre") Fitting function (order = 2) Number of polynomial terms or spline pieces (sample = "*") Sample points to fit (naverage = 1) Number of sample points to combine (niterate = 1) Number of rejection iterations (low_reject = 3.) Low sigma rejection factor (high_reject = 3.) High sigma rejection factor (grow = 0.) Rejection growing radius (mode = "ql") 4. flat fielding ---------------- Combine pairs of flats: see khome$ e.g imcombine l164,l165 f164_165 combine=median reject=avsigclip Smooth them and divide original by smoothed (see e.g. imarith f051_052 / f051_052_med f051_052_pix Tried different smoothings scale of fringes ~ 50 pixels at red end. 50 x 50 smooths over them a bit ? Max size is 65 x 65 50 x 50 40 x 100 - 40 is a bit small in x 100 x 40 - 40 is a bit small in y (need ~20 either side of object for sky) 65 x 65 - use this Flatfielding done by running script 5. CR cleaning -------------- Don't CR correct flats - exposures are too short to bother. 6. Extractions -------------- parameters in apall : we were using AMP 2 (amplist in header =2,0,0,0) From web page gain=1.97e-/DN, readnoise=6.3e- (bias = 990 DN - yes) 6a. STANDARDS ------------- Standard: 162, 163 (BD262606). both are supposed to be 1s but 163 has twice as many counts ? wavelength calibrated with l166arc (extracted using l163 as ref, reidentified from l155arc) ran 'standard' - had same problem as at Keck - boxes way off the plot. will ask rhook about it when back at ESO. - fixed (after mailing IRAF & getting patch) deleted points on absorption features & fit 25th order legendre. 050 (Hd84937) 114,115 (hd84937). 115 has more flux in blue use 118 as arc (extracted using 115 as ref) 163sens matches l115sens and l050sens better than l162sens so use that. 6b. OBJECTS --------------------------------------------------- 9784: #150, 151, 152 unix> ~/iraf/CR/pct_CR_rem.e l151cr l150 0.0 6000 1.0 F 6.0 5.0 25 0.5 - bad sky line @5577 pct_CR_rem.e l152cr l151 0.0 6000 1.0 F 9.0 8.0 25 0.5 - slight residual problems @5577 AA + 1439 pixel pct_CR_rem.e l150cr l151 0.0 6000 1.0 F 6.0 5.0 25 0.5 Nasty cr remaining in frame l150cr. Cant do much about it. Extractions: l150x, l151x, l152x Only extracted target (3 other objects in slit) used +/-2.5 pixel aperture 5577 is a mess. cr removal messes it up. tried extracting from non-cleaned images. l150wcrx,l151wcrx,l152wcrx Final medianed spectrum looks better from non-cleaned than from cleaned ? Arc: l155 identified using home$keckarc. 5th order legendre >> 0.15A residuals Checked sky lines- spot on. Standard: l163sens medianed flux-calibrated images - scaled to region 5500:8500 A >> sn9784_comb_wcrc Absorption correction done with l163_div >> sn9784_comb_wcrd - no better. Actually a bit worse because spectrum goes -ve at 7600. Stick with the previous one sn9784_comb_wcrc Wrote as ascii file sn9784_comb_wcrc.asc wrote as fits sn9784_comb_wcrc.fits Next: extracted other objects in slit (saved aperture files apl150_save etc). As above except wavelength calibrated with l155_2_arc and absorption correction applied >> sn9784_2_comb_d ap1 (row 130) Featureless ? Sky problem @ 5577 ap2 (row 134) Featureless ? Sky problem @ 5577 ap3 (row 143) line @ 7636.13 - close to sky abs but REAL line (seen in sky-subtracted images) dont know what it is. OII @ z=1.049 ? ap4 (row 154) line @ 7068.21 could be OII @ z=0.896 ap5 (row 181) - target. Use extraction above SN features visible ap6 (row 369) Hb 6114.17 0.2578 OIIIa 6296.80 0.2576 Ha 8249.78 0.2570 mean z=0.258 +/- 0.001 wspectext sn9784_2_comb_d[*,1,1] sn9784_2_comb_d_ap1.asc wspectext sn9784_2_comb_d[*,2,1] sn9784_2_comb_d_ap2.asc wspectext sn9784_2_comb_d[*,3,1] sn9784_2_comb_d_ap3.asc wspectext sn9784_2_comb_d[*,4,1] sn9784_2_comb_d_ap4.asc wspectext sn9784_2_comb_d[*,5,1] sn9784_2_comb_d_ap5.asc wspectext sn9784_2_comb_d[*,6,1] sn9784_2_comb_d_ap6.asc wrote as fits: wfits sn9784_2_comb_d sn9784_2_comb_d_other.fits wfits sn9784_2_comb_d[*,1,1] sn9784_2_comb_d_ap1.fits wfits sn9784_2_comb_d[*,2,1] sn9784_2_comb_d_ap2.fits wfits sn9784_2_comb_d[*,3,1] sn9784_2_comb_d_ap3.fits wfits sn9784_2_comb_d[*,4,1] sn9784_2_comb_d_ap4.fits wfits sn9784_2_comb_d[*,5,1] sn9784_2_comb_d_ap5.fits wfits sn9784_2_comb_d[*,6,1] sn9784_2_comb_d_ap6.fits --------------------------------------------------- 9782 #144 #145 CR cleaning (only 2 images) ~/iraf/CR/pct_CR_rem.e l144cr4 l145 0.0 6000 1.0 F 4.0 3.0 25 0.5 ~/iraf/CR/pct_CR_rem.e l145cr5 l144 0.0 6000 1.0 F 5.0 4.0 25 0.5 3 objects ap1 (row 185) target SN and host not separable (looking at finding chart/tiles) OII @5086.12 > 0.3647 Hb @6632.16 > 0.3644 OIIIa @6830.83 > 0.3643 OIIIb @6765.69 > 0.3643 mean z = 0.364 +/- 0.001 Maye p-cygni Ha & Hb - Type II SN ? ap2 (row 207) OII@ 5770.8 (?) > 0.548 maybe OIIIa there too ap3 (row 235) OII @6099.23 > 0.6365 OIIIa @8187.92 > 0.6353 mean z= 0.636 arc=l149 (used all 3 apertures) >> all better than 0.15 A residuals checked sky lines- 1.5A too high for ap1 - OK Flux calibration: l163sens WARNING: 8 pixels outside of flux calibration limits Combined the two flux-calibrated spectra. scaled using 5500-8500A > sn9782_comb corrected atmospheric abs using l163_div. worked well. (NB have to set ignoreap = yes in sarith otherwise it only corrects ap#1) >> sn9782_comb_d Wrote out as ascii files sn9782_comb_d_ap1.asc etc. fits: wfits sn9782_comb_d sn9782_comb_d_all.fits wfits sn9782_comb_d[*,1,1] sn9782_comb_d_ap1.fits wfits sn9782_comb_d[*,2,1] sn9782_comb_d_ap2.fits wfits sn9782_comb_d[*,3,1] sn9782_comb_d_ap3.fits --------------------------------------------------- 97129 #138 139 140 3 images - dont bother with cr cleaning individual frames Extracted 3 objects ap#0 (row 166) (extracted 2nd time round: Ap1 in file sn97129_sn_comb_d) Lines: 5891.77 - possibly OII @z=0.58 ? 7711.46 8344.22 > sn97129_comb_wcrd_ap0.asc wrote as fits: wfits sn97129_sn_comb_d[*,1,1] sn97129_comb_wcrd_ap0.fits ap#1 (row 183): target. OII @5627.76 > z=0.5100 OIIIa @7554.04 > z=0.5087 OIIIb @7481.11 > z=0.5086 Hb @7335.61 > z=0.5091 Mean z= 0.509 Other lines visible: Hg, Mgb, Htheta, Heta, Ca H&K No clear SN features Tried extracting shoulder: Ap3 in sn97129_sn_comb_d >> sn97129_comb_sn.asc wrote as fits: wfits sn97129_sn_comb_d[*,3,1] sn97129_comb_sn.fits ap#2 (row 202): galaxy OII @5596.35 > z=0.5016 OIIIa @7512.34 > z=0.5004 OIIIb @7440.56 > z=0.5004 Mean z= 0.501 arc=l143 (just used aperture 1) Checked sky lines - spot on. flux calibration: l163sens sn97129_comb_wcrw (no cr removal) Combined flux-calibrated 1-d spectra. Scaled to 5500-8500A Corrected atmospheric abs using l163_div. Worked well. >> sn97129_comb_wcrd Wrote as ascii files sn97129_comb_wcrd_ap1.asc etc wspectext sn97129_comb_wcrd[*,1,1],sn97129_comb_wcrd[*,2,1] sn97129_comb_wcrd_ap1.asc,sn97129_comb_wcrd_ap2.asc wfits sn97129_comb_wcrd sn97129_comb_wcrd_all.fits wfits sn97129_comb_wcrd[*,1,1] sn97129_comb_wcrd_ap1.fits wfits sn97129_comb_wcrd[*,2,1] sn97129_comb_wcrd_ap2.fits ___________________________________________________ 97105 #136 One image - cant do CR cleaning 4 objects ap#1 (row 146) maybe OII@6471.68 > 0.736 ap#2 (row 156) maybe OII @6470.96 > 0.7362 OIIIa @8689.8 > 0.7355 mean z= 0.736 ap#3 (row 185) target From finding chart: `SN' on centre. Not separable from host. CIII @5096.33 > 1.671 MgII @7454.42 > 1.664 QSO. mean z=1.668 (approx since arc from other object) ap4 (row 374) star arc=l143 (same as object above) dispcor l136x l136w samedis=yes ignoreap=yes calibrate l136w l136c sens=l163sens sky lines spot on. absorption correction (l163_div) worked well >> 97105_d wrote as ascii files: wspectext 97105_d[*,1,1],97105_d[*,2,1],97105_d[*,3,1],97105_d[*,4,1] 97105_d_ap1.asc,97105_d_ap2.asc,97105_d_ap3.asc,97105_d_ap4.asc wfits 97105_d 97105_d_all.fits wfits 97105_d[*,1,1] 97105_d_ap1.fits wfits 97105_d[*,2,1] 97105_d_ap2.fits wfits 97105_d[*,3,1] 97105_d_ap3.fits wfits 97105_d[*,4,1] 97105_d_ap4.fits ___________________________________________________ 97126 #129 130 131 3 unequal exposures. Try without CR removal Very faint. Tracing difficult Had to extract 129 with aperture -1 to +2.5 to avoid a big C.R. 2 objects ap1: (row 173) line @5586.7 z=0.4990 if OII @7499.59 0.4978 if OIIIa could be OII & OIIIa >> mean z=0.498 ap2: target (row 185) Maybe a shoulder to higher row numbers. Looking at finding chart that would be the host (SN should be closer to Ap1). Dont bother extracting the host separately since its so faint. OII 5563.63 > 0.4928 OIIIa 7467.88 > 0.4915 OIIIb 7396.85 > 0.4916 mean z= 0.492 Arc: l135 (extracted using l130 as ref -both apertures) Sky lines: 4A off for 129, 3.5A off for 130, 2A off for 131. Standard l115sens Combining flux-calibrated spectra. >>sn97126_comb_wcrc Absorption correction doesn't help much (spectrum -ve at 7600) Wrote these out as ascii: wspectext sn97126_comb_wcrc[*,1,1],sn97126_comb_wcrc[*,2,1] sn97126_comb_wcrc_ap1.asc,sn97126_comb_wcrc_ap2.asc wfits sn97126_comb_wcrc sn97126_comb_wcrc_all.fits wfits sn97126_comb_wcrc[*,1,1] sn97126_comb_wcrc_ap1.fits wfits sn97126_comb_wcrc[*,2,1] sn97126_comb_wcrc_ap2.fits ___________________________________________________ 9765 #125 One exposure - cant do CR cleaning 4 objects in slit ap1 (row 97) absorption feature @ 5581. Dont know what it is ap2 (row 116) 4000A break z~0.33. Look like lots of small abs. lines ap3 (row 189) target Not possible to separate SN & host. (SN on centre). clear SN features ap4 (row 202) faint Too faint to identify Arc l128 (all 4 apertures used. rms ~0.25A) 2.5A too high for ap #3 Flux calibration l115sens Absorption correction worked >> sn9765_wcrd vWrote as ascii: wspectext sn9765_wcrd[*,1,1],sn9765_wcrd[*,2,1],sn9765_wcrd[*,3,1],sn9765_wcrd[*,4,1] sn9765_wcrd_ap1.asc,sn9765_wcrd_ap2.asc,sn9765_wcrd_ap3.asc,sn9765_wcrd_ap4.asc wfits sn9765_wcrd sn9765_wcrd_all.fits wfits sn9765_wcrd[*,1,1] sn9765_wcrd_ap1.fits wfits sn9765_wcrd[*,2,1] sn9765_wcrd_ap2.fits wfits sn9765_wcrd[*,3,1] sn9765_wcrd_ap3.fits wfits sn9765_wcrd[*,4,1] sn9765_wcrd_ap4.fits ___________________________________________________ 9793 #120 121 Two exposures. Try CR cleaning ~/iraf/CR/pct_CR_rem.e l120cr7.5 l121 0.0 6000 1.0 F 7.5 6.5 25 0.5 ~/iraf/CR/pct_CR_rem.e l121cr8 l120 0.0 6000 1.0 F 8.0 7.0 25 0.5 N.B. v. slight problem with object @ row 88 on l121 4 objects ap1 (row 88) star ap2 (row 185) target Not possible to separate SN & host (although they look separable on the finding chart) OII @ 5023.07 z=0.3478 Hb @ 6549.76 z=0.3474 OIIIa 6747.29 z=0.3476 Ha 8838.58 z=0.3467 mean z=0.347 +/- 0.001 other lines visible: Htheta Heta CaH&K G, Ha NII, SII doublet. ap3 (row 270) featureless ? ap4 (row 279) galaxy OII, Htheta, Heta, CaH&K, G, Hd, Hg, Hb z=0.491 Arc l124 (all 4 apertures used. rms < 0.2 A for all) 2A too high for ap2 of 121 Flux calibration l115sens Combined flux-calibrated spectra Absorption correction worked well >> sn9793_comb_d wspectext sn9793_comb_d[*,1,1],sn9793_comb_d[*,2,1],sn9793_comb_d[*,3,1],sn9793_comb_d[*,4,1] sn9793_comb_d_ap1.asc,sn9793_comb_d_ap2.asc,sn9793_comb_d_ap3.asc,sn9793_comb_d_ap4.asc wfits sn9793_comb_d sn9793_comb_d_all.fits wfits sn9793_comb_d[*,1,1] sn9793_comb_d_ap1.fits wfits sn9793_comb_d[*,2,1] sn9793_comb_d_ap2.fits wfits sn9793_comb_d[*,3,1] sn9793_comb_d_ap3.fits wfits sn9793_comb_d[*,4,1] sn9793_comb_d_ap4.fits ____________________________________________________ 9777 #109 Single exposure. Cant do cr removal. 2 objects ap1 (row 185) target Not possible to separate SN & Host. clear SN features Ca H&K @ 6266.06 / 6316.78 >> z=0.592 No other galaxy lines visible. ap2 (row 220) star Arc l113 (both apertures used, rms~0.13A) 2A too high. Flux calibration: l115sens Absorption correction - uaed l115_div (l163_div added a spike) >> sn9777_wcrd wspectext sn9777_wcrd[*,1,1],sn9777_wcrd[*,2,1] sn9777_wcrd_ap1.asc,sn9777_wcrd_ap2.asc wfits sn9777_wcrd sn9777_wcrd_all.fits wfits sn9777_wcrd[*,1,1] sn9777_wcrd_ap1.fits wfits sn9777_wcrd[*,2,1] sn9777_wcrd_ap2.fits ___________________________________________________ 9776 #102, 103 2 exposures. Use CR cleaning ~/iraf/CR/pct_CR_rem.e l102cr12 l103 0.0 6000 1.0 F 12.0 11.0 25 0.5 ~/iraf/CR/pct_CR_rem.e l103cr9 l102 0.0 6000 1.0 F 9.0 8.0 25 0.5 1 object. Not possible to separate SN and host. Shoulder appears on different sides in the two exposures - i.e. its not real. Arc= l108arc (rms=0.13A) 2 A too high Flux calibration l115sens Combined flux-calibrated spectra (scaled to 5500-8500A) Absorption correction l115_div - OK >> sn9776_comb_d Cant see any galaxy lines. SN features visible wrote as fits wfits sn9776_comb_d sn9776_comb_d_all.fits ______________________________________________ 9781 #97, 98 Two mismatched exposures. Didn't attempt CR cleaning. 4 objects. ap1 (row 17) galaxy OII > z=0.458 (OII) Other lines visible: OIII, Hb, Ca H&K ap2 (row 184) target OII @5884.22 > z=0.5788 Also visible Ca H&K, Htheta, Heta, Hsomethingelse, hg G? SN features visible. From Finding chart, SN should be at higer row number of ap #2, i.e. host galaxy is shoulder. Try extracting just the shoulder. (arc=l101_host_arc) >> sn9781_host_comb_d. Pretty awful. wrote as fits wfits sn9781_host_comb_wcrd sn9781_host_comb_wcrd.fits ap3 (row 244) star ap4 (row 258) Ha and Hb > z=0.417 Arc= l101 (extracted using l097 as ref, used all 4 apertures, rms~0.2) 2A high again. Flux calibration l115sens combined flux-calibrated spectra Absorption correction worked (l115_div) > sn9781_comb_wcrd write as ascii wspectext sn9781_comb_wcrd[*,1,1],sn9781_comb_wcrd[*,2,1],sn9781_comb_wcrd[*,3,1],sn9781_comb_wcrd[*,4,1] sn9781_comb_wcrd_ap1.asc,sn9781_comb_wcrd_ap2.asc,sn9781_comb_wcrd_ap3.asc,sn9781_comb_wcrd_ap4.asc write as fits: wfits sn9781_comb_wcrd sn9781_comb_wcrd_all.fits wfits sn9781_comb_wcrd[*,1,1] sn9781_comb_wcrd_ap1.fits wfits sn9781_comb_wcrd[*,2,1] sn9781_comb_wcrd_ap2.fits wfits sn9781_comb_wcrd[*,3,1] sn9781_comb_wcrd_ap3.fits wfits sn9781_comb_wcrd[*,4,1] sn9781_comb_wcrd_ap4.fits ___________________________________________________ 9785+97102 #64 Single exposure. 2 bright objects in slit. Decided which is which based on finding chart. Slit is aligned almost along SN-galaxy axis for SN9785. Galaxy and SN are separable for SN9785. ap1 (row 113) = sn97102 OII @6041.08 > z=0.621 Ca H&K also visible ap2 (row 260) = sn9785 SN features visible ap3 galaxy for sn9785 OII 5280.09 0.4167 OIIIa 7089.71 0.4160 OIIIb 7021.87 0.4160 Hb 6884.73 0.4163 mean z=0.416 +/- 0.001 arc = l067arc sky lines 1.5A too high- OK. Flux calibration l050sens Absorption correction using l050_div worked OK. >> l064_wcrd renamed to sn9785_97102_wcrd Wrote out as ascii wspectext sn9785_97102_wcrd[*,1,1],sn9785_97102_wcrd[*,2,1],sn9785_97102_wcrd[*,3,1] sn97102_wcrd.asc,sn9785_wcrd.asc,sn9785_wcrd_host.asc wfits sn9785_97102_wcrd sn9785_97102_wcrd_all.fits wfits sn9785_97102_wcrd[*,1,1] sn97102_wcrd.fits wfits sn9785_97102_wcrd[*,2,1] sn9785_wcrd.fits wfits sn9785_97102_wcrd[*,3,1] sn9785_wcrd_host.fits ___________________________________________________ 9794 #59, 60 Two 1200s exposures. Do CR cleaning ~/iraf/CR/pct_CR_rem.e l059cr5 l060 0.0 6000 1.0 F 5.0 4.0 25 0.5 ~/iraf/CR/pct_CR_rem.e l060cr6 l059 0.0 6000 1.0 F 6.0 5.0 25 0.5 extracted 3 objects ap1 (row 175) = galaxy OII 6111.23 z= 0.6397 OIIIa 8202.85 0.6383 OIIIb 8124.99 0.6384 Hb 7966.25 0.6388 mean z=0.639 +/- 0.001 ap2 (shoulder to left of row 189) = sn9794 SN features clear ap3 (row 189) = host of sn9794 OII 5895.54 0.5818 Hb 7684.88 0.5809 Other lines visible: Ca H&K, G, Hg, OIII, Htheta, Heta, Hsomethingelse, Hd z=0.581 Arc l063arc extracted with l060cr6 as ref (rms=0.18) sky lines 1.5A too high again Flux calibration l050sens Absorprion correction l050div >> sn9794_comb_d Write as ascii wspectext sn9794_comb_d[*,1,1],sn9794_comb_d[*,2,1],sn9794_comb_d[*,3,1] sn9794_comb_d_ap1.asc,sn9794_comb_d_ap2.asc,sn9794_comb_d_ap3.asc wfits sn9794_comb_d sn9794_comb_d_all.fits wfits sn9794_comb_d[*,1,1] sn9794_comb_d_ap1.fits wfits sn9794_comb_d[*,2,1] sn9794_comb_d_ap2.fits wfits sn9794_comb_d[*,3,1] sn9794_comb_d_ap3.fits ___________________________________________________ 9779 #054 One exposure. Cant do CR cleaning Extracted 2 objects ap1 (row 104) Not sure what this is. Slightly wiggly spectrum ? Maybe emission line or maybe CR. ap2 (row 184) target Cant separate host and SN Clear SN features No galaxy features visible Arc=l058arc (rms=0.15A) sky lines 1.7A too high - OK Flux calibration - l050sens Absorption correction using l050_div worked >> sn9779_wcrd wrote as ascii: wspectext sn9779_wcrd[*,1,1] sn9779_wcrd_ap1.asc wspectext sn9779_wcrd[*,2,1] sn9779_wcrd_ap2.asc wrote as fits: wfits sn9779_wcrd sn9779_wcrd_all.fits wfits sn9779_wcrd[*,1,1] sn9779_wcrd_ap1.fits wfits sn9779_wcrd[*,2,1] sn9779_wcrd_ap2.fits ___________________________________________________