ESI data Using Greg's package output: .c = overscan, trimmed, gain corrected image .cs = shifted, bias-corrected image splits orders - stop it doing that? NB must run 2d bias through the program as far as overscan/gain correction to make it consistent Had problems with ringing. Decided to go back to curved version but use rectification thing for examining 2D data So, run ccdproc but no overscan correction. (doing 2D bias subtraction) use esibias for overscan correction. NB I edited to stop it trying to trim the image (this wasn't working anyway - it was only trimming the last image). Use standard star as reference for apertures. SHift a couple of the apertures using apedit and the 's' cursor key. togge ALL using the a cursor key and redraw. ---------- object 'junk04' 029 e2050 e2051 z=0.56 looks OK (agrees with Lifan) or z=0.37?? (maybe not, relative heights of bumps not right) IMH Jun01: Either of these zs looks right! ----------- object 005 bizet e2052 ---------- object 000/ Torelli e2053, e2054 extracted objects using standard as ref with apertures shifted, background fixed etc. NB can see galaxy and supernova. First attempt galaxy. NB optimal extraction isn't working well. Using unweighted version. Extracted the two separately, then combined > torelli_comb possible z=0.67 from Ca H&K Now try the supernova e2053_snx, e2054_snx etc. combined> torelli_sn_comb.asc doesn't match Ia at all maybe at a higher z - the galaxy isn't the host?. e.g. 0.88 Try reducing with 1.0 arcsec flat trace = e2049 - use central position - matches the zoom. Aperture -4:+4 bias=n2_ebias ec> lpar esi_is brun = "2053" run no ? cng = "2" night ? (biasfile = "idata2$n2_ebias") bias file ? (flatfile = "idata2$n2_eflat1.0") flat file ? (reffile = "e2049") trace ref file ? (dodisp = yes) Display image? (dospec = yes) Reduce as a spectrum? (mode = "ql") *** combined spectrum = torelli_sn.asc looks red and wiggly. Wiggles dont match at z=0.67. But maybe some contamination from the bright galaxy nearby. Try subtracting z=0.67 galaxy. relative heights of peaks changes depending how much is subtracted. sort of matches z~0.9 and z~1.2 Look for OII line at these zs (7200A, 8200A) (old one renamed to torelli_sn_old.asc) IMH jun01: torelli_sn_comb.asc looks smooth & red. dont see any SN features in it. ----------- Dvorak/object 038 e2055, e2056 2x30min Extremely weak. cant see an object to line up on in e2056. combined spectrum = dvorak_comb looks pretty flat. ----------- Gresse, / object 063 e2057, 2058, 2059 done bias correction etc, Set apertures using e2057 use these as refs for other two. Galaxy extraction: combined etc > gresse_comb.asc Still get z=0.671 May be possible to extract SN separately IMH Jun01: dont have 2d data for this one? ----------- Peters SN, SN 2001ay e2060, e2061, e2062 e2060_comb Very clear Type Ia. ----- Holst 063 e2063_comb A bit crummy but probably because of bad seeing. ---------- NIGHT3 ------- bias = n3_ebias NB level is about 10 counts different from last night. Start using overscan subtraction to fix things -------- standard Feige 34 3018 -------- Debussy = object 034 e3020, e3021 combined > debussy_comb.asc possibly high-z ? ~0.82 possibly 0.6 ish. now think 0.602 FCT- 2 objects there. My extraction includes both. Could try extracting SN. -------- Object 038 (Dvorak) e3023,e3024 trace star=e3022 e3025,e3026 think I see two objects in slit NB not using the correct flat - 1.0arcsec 30 redone with the correct flat 2d frames combined > dvorak_2d next: do extractions. Use trace star. e3023 - nothing there to line up on. e3024 - "" possibly something in order 8 e3025 - something very very faint in orders 8 and 9. (not 2 objects) e3026 - something very faint there combined > dvorak_comb4 NB Lifan sees SN-shaped thing at z=0.73? Trace visible in one of the orders There should be some host in it Check for lines - no lines obvious in my extracted spectrum. - maybe in Lifan's Look in 2d sky-subtracted data order 6 2431? try again. by hand. this time set the aperture at 2180 1440 > e3026c_comb still flat. NB background order was set to 1. aperture +/- 5 another attempt, this time using background =3 e3026c2_comb.asc. aperture -4 to +4 ------ Boccherini/ object 006 trace star e3027 - used this for extractions internal flats e3031,e3032 with 1" slit. Didn't use these yet. spectra e3028 30 mins e3029 2500s 0.75 arcsec slit - extracted e3030 3600s 1arcsec slit - extracted ? where did this go? extracted it again on night 4 combined e3030 and e3029 > bocc_comb possibly highz possible OII at z=1.12 Tried adding in e3028 but that made it worse. Also tried looking at sky subtracted image at pix 3112 order 8 but couldn't see anything. NB need to fix shifting table --------- vivaldi / obj 77 3x20min 1 arcsec slit e3033, e3034, e3035 emission lines at 6474 and 5632 OII, Hb, OIII z=0.511 extractions done but not yet combined. IMH Jun01: combined these three > vivaldi_comb -------------------------------------------------------------------- NIGHT 4 Note - accidentally bias-corrected n3_ebias. Dont use that any more. Much better seeing tonight ------------------------------------------------------------------- Copeland e4042, e4044 flat e4043 combined spectrum = copeland_comb.asc z=0.661 from OII, OIII, Hb in galaxy, plus SNIa features Looks good! --------------------------------------------------------------- boccharini again. e4046 - definitely something there. e4048 internal flats 4045, 4047, 4049 (not used yet) possible lines order 7 3051, 2750, 3916 8 3477, 3085 (sky?), 2599 (sky?) 9 2182, 3620 all went away in the 2nd exposure combined spectrum from night 4: bocc_comb_n4. NB in these extractions I may have put the sky subtracttion apertures too close to the object, esp in the red. Try again > n4_4046cc_comb Lifan-smoothed file = n4_4046cc_comb.dat n4_4048cc_comb Combined bocc_comb_n4. Looks quite good as a Ia. Dont think the OII line is there. Possibly at 1.125 but not sure. Lifan: Snz maybe 1.07. Check for lines there, combined all > bocc_all IMH Jun01: broad line is sort of there in both night's 1-d data but also a bad area for sky lines. tried combining again > bocc_all_comb but no better. ---------------------------- Orne / 048 e4052,4054, 4055 trace star e4050 - not enough signal e4056 - a flat e4051,e4053 1581 2337 order 10 1225 order 8 OII? at z=1.067 double feature > definitely OII. extract using trace star. line = 2337, nsum = -75 to locate trace. (order 8) also tried using profile star. NB - still get variance weight errors. (referen= idata4$/e4056) List of aperture reference images (profile= idata4$/e4056) List of aperture profile images NB could use a better flat? corresponding to rotator position. Or internal flats But they dont seem to be repeatable Combined spetrum is no better. orne_comb.fits Doesn't look like the emission lines are still in the 2nd & 3rd spectra. Object wasn't down the slit? (see guider images). MAybe SN was down the slit but galaxy wasn't First spectrum only: e4052c (Looks flat when smoothed by Lifan's prog) Second two only : (e4054c_comb, e4055c_comb) > orne_sn_n4 ------------------------- Prokofiev bright object e4058, e40?? probably z=0.58 ish. No obvious galaxy lines but SN features look quite good, especially after subtracting some template. n4_4058cc_comb.asc (half the data) IMH Jun 01: not sure there were two frames taken? Log only has 4058 Now I think there are lots of galaxy lines - OII, Ca H&K etc. z=0.582 Ia features look good at that z ---------------------------------------- NIGHT 5 standard e5049 - use this tonight Bartok / obj 021 e5050 e5051 - trace star (saturated?) rotator position = -60 use flat at -45, el +75 5023,5024,5024 used standard as trace Blue continuum object. ---------------------------------------- Satie / object 062 e5053 read out in b-3wrong mode (no overscan section) Greg fixed it by inserting it into another frame 0.58 seeing!! e5057 - weaker exposure. trace star e058 possibly Type Ia at z=1.05 ish (depends on tempate used) no galaxy lines visible in sky-subtracted frames (Greg checked) combined spectrum =satie_comb plot = ---------------- object 058 / Rance e5060 trace star e5062 ----------------- Data directories are organised by night subdirectories are 1d = 1d extractions, combined 1d spectra, standards etc Also lists used for generating flats etc. 2d = selection of 2d data frames, sky subtracted images etc Directories are: Night 1 (LRIS) /h/scratch31/isobel/n1/ Night 2 (ESI) /h/scratch31/isobel/n2/ Night 3 (ESI) /h/scratch31/isobel/n3/ Night 4 (ESI) /net/mahaiula/scratch/esi11/isobel/n4/ Night 5 (ESI) /net/mahaiula/scratch/esi11/isobel/n5/ ***************************************** Please backup/ftp 1d directories. *****************************************