Chris (VLT, preliminary): Probably H&K at z=1.063
Gaston (VLT, preliminary): Some wiggles. Could be z=1-ish
Isobel (Gemini, preliminary): Galaxy: OII, Hb and Ha at z=0.445 SN : red object with H&K at z=1.062. SN features not obvious.
Andy (Gemini, preliminary): I show SN 1999bp (Ia) at +1d, but it isn't very convincing -- if the 7900A feature is supposed to be Ca, it should be wider.
Peter (preliminary): This one has shown no signs of SN in the spectrum but it does look like a nice Elliptical galaxy at a z = 1.062. All HST observations work for it and the grism would be ok since the nearby bright objects miss it given it's orientation. Since it is a Elliptical I would be willing to take a chance on it.
Andy (preliminary): A very bad candidate from the spectrum. The wiggles match at z=0.8 as well as at z=1, and neither is particularly convincing. We don't know whether it is a Ia or even the redshift for certain. If it really is an Elliptical galaxy though, that could put this one over the top.
Chris (Chris final reduction 2): z=1.063 from H and K
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