Saul (quoting Isobel?): Strong galaxy line at z=0.67.
Isobel: Note there small are gaps in the wavelength coverage with GMOS which is what the dips at 6700 and 8150 are.
Andy (preliminary): After running the spectrum through lineclean in IRAF, the best match in the range z=0.4 to 1.2 is at 0.42. But it is clear by eye that the region 6500-7500 does not match well. Restricting the redshifts to the range around where the galaxy lines are observed (z=0.677) gives a Ib/c as the best fit -- SN 1995F. But note that in our observed wavelength range, a Ia is indistinguishable. This is a Type I supernova at z=0.68, but beyond that it is impossible to tell. This SN may be after max because it was discovered on year-old refs.