Please see: The first has some literature bashing I did to figure out what the "real" BVRI colors of a Type Ia supernova is; some of you have seen this before. I used this to modify Peter's uberspectrum. (You can find the current version of my modified uberspectra on, but be aware that I *will* be changing these uberspectra as I find and fix problems. Everything is prelimninary!!!!) The second link above has the current hubble diagrams and Omega/Lambda contour plots for the 11 HST supernovae, considering only the WFPC data and applying no host galaxy extinction corrections. There is also a note on the colors of the supernovae, which are all too blue, but which I'm beginning to come up with an explanation for. I'm only confident saying that one of the eleven supernovae is reddened. I'm not confident saying much of anything about the colors or the reddening of the other 10, other than "they probably aren't reddened much". -Rob