Agenda for SCP Collaboration Meeting
July 11- 13, 2002

  Thurs July 11

 Working Groups (Room 50A-5132)
 Audio teleconference (I. Hook, P. Ruiz-Lapuente)
1:00  (1.5h)    Spectroscopy working group (A. Howell, I. Hook et al.)
2:30  (15')      Break
2:45  (1.5h)    Working group discussion of calibration of color, spectral time series template (P.Nugent, R.Knop, A. Goobar, et al.)
4:15  (15')      Break
4:30  (1 h)      Working group on preparing CFHT and CTIO IAU circulars (review candidates to  include.) (J. Raux, R. Knop, A. Howell, et al. )

  Fri July 12

  Plenary Session (Perseverance Hall  - connected to Cafeteria,)
  NO Video connection with Paris group
 Audio teleconference (P. Ruiz-Lapuente)

8:30  (10')     Introduction, Goals of Meeting (A. Spadafora)

   What have we learned from Spring 02 search?
8:40  (15')     CFHT rolling search: results, comparison to simulation, prospects; proposed IAU circular (J. Raux)
8:55  (10')     CTIO search: results, proposed IAU circular (R. Knop)
9:05  (10')     GEMINI Report - Spec. & IR (C. Lidman for I. Hook)
9:15  (20'')     VLT Report - Spec. & IR (C. Lidman)
9:35  (10')     Keck/ESI Spec. Reduction Package & Results (G. Sainton) (ps version)
9:45  (15')     Keck/ESI efficiency & spectrum matching code (L. Wang)

10:00  (30')     Break

 Audio teleconference (I. Hook, P. Ruiz-Lapuente)

  Brief Overview of SCP Plans for coming year
10:30  (15')     Status of various SN projects and Overview of SCP options (S. Perlmutter)
10:45  (15')     CFHTLS plans (R. Pain)
11:00  (15')     Strategies for future searches and estimates of cosmological parameters (R. Amanullah )
11:15  (15')     Discussion

   Analyses in progress (I)
11:30  (15')     Report from Spectroscopy Working group (A. Howell)
11:45  (15')     Host Galaxy morphology study (M. Sullivan)
12:00  (15')     Light curves for ìorphansî (97-98 non-HST SNe) (R. Ortman)
12:15  (15')     Host galaxy study (G. Aldering )

12:30  (1hr)     Lunch (cafeteria)

   Analyses in progress (II)
1:30  (15')     HST Paper: Results from 11 SNe observed with  HST (R. Knop)
1:45  (15')     Status of SNMin02 lightcurve fitting code (D. Groom)
2:00  (15')     High S/N spectroscopy of z=0.5 SNe: Beethoven & Bruch (G. Garavini)
2:15  (15')     Intrinsic colors nearby of Type Ia SNe ( study done on the Riess et al 22 low-z SNe) (S. Nobili )
2:30  (15')     Lightcurve of Loiret/Boccherini/2001gn (J. Raux)
2:45  (15')     NICMOS photometry results: what it implies for extinction and grey dust. (S. Burns)

3:00  (15')     Break

3:15  (15')     Color Magnitude Intercept Calibration [CMagic] (G. Goldhaber)
3:30  (15')     SN Ia Asymmetries and Evolution (L. Wang)
3:45  (15')     Restframe I-band (obs J-band) lightcurve of Beethoven: tests for brightness evolution & intergalactic dust (S. Nobili)

4:00  (30')    Break

   Subaru searches (video link w/Tokyo group )
  4:30 PM PDT = 8:30 AM Saturday JST
4:30  (15')     Results from Subaru April/May searches, proposed IAU circular (N. Yasuda)
                      Plan for Fall 2002B (N. Yasuda)
4:45  (15')     Lessons learned from spring subtractions; implications for Fall 2002B(M. Wood-Vasey)
5:15  (15')     HST/ACS followup of Subaru SNe (V. Prasad)

7:30              Dinner at restaurant:  Café de la Paz. 1600 Shattuck Ave. at Cedar  843-0662

  Sat July 13

  Plenary Session (Perseverance hall)
 Audio teleconference (I. Hook)

  Analyses in progress (III) 1999 Low-z campaign
9:00  (15')     Calibration, photometry (N. Regnault)
9:15  (15')     Host galaxy spectra (A. Conley)
9:30  (15')     Status of the low-z spectra and reduction method (G. Folatelli)
9:45  (15')     Statistical spectroscopic analysis of the low-z 99' spectra (G. Folatelli)
10:00  (15')   Detailed spectroscopic study of SN99aa,SN99ac and SN99aw (G. Garavini)
10:15  (30')    Plan for publications (discussion led by G. Aldering, A. Goobar)

10:45  (15')     Break

 Audio teleconference (I. Hook)

11:00  (1.5hr) SCP Analyses in progress; publication plan (discussion led by A. Spadafora)
                       Streamlining steps from images and spectra to publications (discussion)

12:30  (1hr)     Lunch (provided)

1:30  (2hr)     Strategy for next round of proposals (discussion) (or other working group topics?)

3:30  (15')     Break

3:45  (2hr)     Collaboration issues: open discussion. (membership, authorship, rules and procedures, ideas for SN fun names, general issues)

5:45              Adjourn

   Sun July 14

  Possible Working groups
  NICMOS data analysis ? how to proceed
  ground IR analyses (ISAAC, NIRI)
  spectroscopy working group (continued)