Re: I-band paper terminal comments

From: Tony Spadafora (
Date: Tue Feb 22 2005 - 19:06:00 PST

  • Next message: Chris Lidman: "Results of today's teleconference"

    Hi Serena,

    At today's meeting it was decided that you should send it in after a
    final proof read, which I offered to do. This is just to check for any
    remaining typographic errors (or ones that were introduced in the last
    revision.) and so will be easy to fix. Here are some that I caught and
    will finish this tomorrow.

    End of author list has a misplaced "and". It should read "...R.C.

    It seems that no one has looked at the references carefully. In the
    interest of our being (or at least appearing to be) careful scholars,
    it would be good if you could go through the references for a final
    clean up. Items I noted are:

    Aldering, G.,2000, coex.conf, 75A (looks like shorthand for complete

    A number references have a spurious letter after the page number, e.g.
    Bessell, M.S., 1990, PASP, 102, 1181B.
    I believe you got these from ADS which puts them in the bibliographic
    code, but they are not part of the journal reference as far as I know.
    They don't appear in the journal itself.

    For ApJ, an "L" before a page is correct for ApJ Letters, e.g.
    Filippenko, A.V., Richmond, M.W., Matheson, T., 1992a, ApJ, 384L, 15F
    which should be
    Filippenko, A.V., Richmond, M.W., Matheson, T., et al., 1992a, ApJ,
    384, L15
    in this random check, I saw that you were missing "et al.," could
    this be missing on others?

    Knop, R. et al., 2003, submitted (please update)

    Lidman, C. et al., 2004 (in prep) (please update)

    Nugent, P. & Aldering, G., 2000, sgrb.conf, 47N (conference

      Phillips, M. M.; Krisciunas, K.; Suntzeff, N. B. et al., 2003,
    fthp.conf, 193P (conference shorthand?)

    Ostman, L. & M ortsell, E., 2004, astro-ph/040501 (number is wrong.
    should be astro-ph/0410501 )

    ,Sullivan, M., Ellis, R. S., Aldering, G. et al., 2003, MNRAS, 340,
    1057S (spurious "," before Sullivan)

    Also, different format are used - some refs have start and end pages,
    other just have start. I would make them uniform and remove the end

    I will finish this tomorrow.

    On Feb 22, 2005, at 9:14 AM, Serena Nobili wrote:

    > I am really sorry, I sent you the wrong paper. I am sending all the
    > files again.
    > Cheers,
    > Serena
    > On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, Serena Nobili wrote:
    >> Dear all,
    >> I have finished to implement also Rob's comments. Please let me know
    >> whether I could go on and re-submit the paper tomorrow. You find the
    >> usual set of files attached.
    >> Cheers
    >> Serena
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