Re: [Fwd: AA/2004/2463 (fwd)]

From: Serena Nobili (
Date: Fri Jan 21 2005 - 09:28:27 PST

  • Next message: Chris Lidman: "Fig 7."

    Dear All,

    please find attached the cover letter I would like to send to the referee,
    and the paper modified accordingly (all changes are shown in boldface). I
    still haven't done anything with 1999Q. The cover letter indicates with
    RRR) the comment by the referee (or a number for the "minor" comments),
    and AAA) are my answers. I put "SCP" when I need a point to be discussed
    together (mainly 99Q related points) If you agree, I would join next week
    SCP exec meeting for discussing all of this. I hope you find the time to
    have a look at all the comments.

    On Fri, 14 Jan 2005, Chris Lidman wrote:

    > Dear All,
    > I would like to propose that we set a date to discuss the
    > points raised in the referees report on Serena's paper.
    > In particular, the referee is critical in the way we have chosen
    > to present 99Q. If we decide to quote the IR magnitude that we have
    > measured from the publicly available SOFI data, I would like a second
    > independent reduction of the data. I have the raw data on disk, so I
    > can make it quickly available to anyone who wishes to do this.
    > Cheers, Chris.


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