final review of I-band paper

From: Tony Spadafora (
Date: Wed Nov 17 2004 - 11:33:23 PST

  • Next message: Tony Spadafora: "final review of I-band paper"

    SCP colleagues,

    Serena's I-band paper is now ready for final review by the
    collaboration prior to submission. Please see the latest (Nov 16)
    version on her web page:

    Please review this draft for any final corrections and send comments to ( and cc to by MONDAY NOV
    29. The intention is to submit it shortly thereafter, pending any
    final changes.

    In the past few months, there has been much scrutiny of SN1999Q and the
    section of the paper dealing with that has been revised (special thanks
    to Chris and others for help with this.) A record of e-mail exchanges
    can be found at

    Note when sending comments: the address only
    puts a copy in the archive. It is NOT a maillist, so be sure to
    include Serena in the address.


    ps Please note that next Thursday is the US Thanksgiving holiday, so
    US collaborators may be offline for some time next week.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Wed Nov 17 2004 - 11:33:25 PST