i band paper comments

From: Susana Deustua (deustua@aas.org)
Date: Tue Aug 31 2004 - 08:53:48 PDT

  • Next message: Greg Aldering: "PDF markup of July 21st draft"

    Dear Serena,

    Nice paper --

    Here are my comments on the 21st July version, though as a late reader
    i'll try to not repeat comments already made.

    Grammatical and typos:
    1. be careful with the use of commas, though this is usually a
    stylistic issue, i noted commas in odd places.
    2. check grammar and sentence constructions
    3. write out abbreviations first time they're stated (e.g. CfA).
    4. use "spectroscopically peculiar" rather than spectroscopic peculiar


    Section 1. in last paragraph list datasets you will be using

    SEction 2.
    Provide references and/or explain why the B-band templates are used to
    fit I-band light curves, i.e. justification
    give average separation in time of the two light peak to support why 40
    days are adequate to sample both light peaks
    in Table 1: t max and t sec doesn't hurt to remind the reader of how
    these are measured (in the caption) even though it's stated in the text.
      This you do in the figures later on.

    section 3
    in the last paragaph of this section, state the uncorrected B-band
    dispersion of the Hubble diagram as well as the uncorr. I band sigma

    section 4
    in figure 8 -- what is the solid line? needs a key




    Dr. Susana E. Deustua Director of Educational Activities American Astronomical Society 2000 Florida Ave, NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20009

    phone: 202-328-2010 x106 email: deustua@aas.org

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