Re: Comments on July21 draft of I-band Hubble diagram paper.

From: Alex Kim (
Date: Mon Aug 30 2004 - 18:15:34 PDT

  • Next message: Serena Nobili: "Re: Comments on July21 draft of I-band Hubble diagram paper."


    The transformation between optical and NIR bands is already inside the
    K-correction of Kim et al. so doesn't have to be explicitly singled out
    in your paper.


    On Aug 24, 2004, at 2:27 PM, Chris Lidman wrote:

    > Hi Guys,
    > Perhaps Alex can comment on this point.
    > This term is not explicitly mentioned in Alex's paper although Alex
    > does
    > state under which conditions his equation is valid.
    > Cheers, Chris.
    > On Tue, 2004-08-24 at 11:39, Serena Nobili wrote:
    >> Hello Saul (cc Chris),
    >> thanks for your comments. I have one small concern about the sentence
    >> (p.10):
    >> "However, an extra term has been added to the usual formula,
    >> in order to take into account the appropriate transformation between
    >> IR and optical photometric systems. The $K$-correction between filter
    >> $x$ and $y$ is given by $K'_{xy} = K_{xy} - (x-y),$ where $(x-y)$ is
    >> the color of Vega and $K_{xy}$ as defined in Kim et al (1996)."
    >> I added this upon request by Chris, but as I understand from you,
    >> this was
    >> already in the original paper by Alex (I am sorry for not having
    >> checked
    >> this carefully). I would like to make sure you both agree on this
    >> point before I delete the sentence from the paper.
    >> On a different issue, I wrote to Brian and asked about how to phrase
    >> the
    >> private communication. I am changing the paper accordingly ( I will
    >> forward the email to you):
    >> "We found differences with the results published in \citet{tonry},
    >> due to
    >> the use of an incorrect filter in those calculations, however, the
    >> $K$-corrections calculated as part of the MLCS Distance fits to this
    >> object were done with the correct filter (Brian Schmidt, private
    >> communication)."
    >> Cheers,
    >> Serena
    >> On Mon, 23 Aug 2004, Saul Perlmutter wrote:
    >>> Hi Serena (and SCP exec),
    >>> I think the paper is generally looking very good -- nice work!
    >>> I'm
    >>> attaching a PDF file with comments on it. They're mostly simple
    >>> things
    >>> to edit, but there are a couple of rather important points to be
    >>> addressed. Even these should be pretty quick to take care of --
    >>> let me
    >>> know if you need help with any of them.
    >>> I hope you had a nice summer break, and that Paris isn't too hot
    >>> this end-of-August. Regards, --Saul
    > --
    > European Southern Observatory
    > Alonso de Córdova 3107, Vitacura
    > Casilla 19001, Santiago 19
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