Re: K-corrections: another voice in the debate

From: Alex Conley (
Date: Wed Mar 10 2004 - 09:58:45 PST

  • Next message: Alex Conley: "Re: K-corrections: another voice in the debate"

    > For the difference you found between the results obtained using Rob's
    > templates and mine, they agree with what have been already pointed out by
    > Chris for K_JI. These differences are in fact within the quoted uncertainty
    > of 0.05. I believe also that Rob's work in the I-band is probably not as
    > accurate as in B,V and R, nor as in the Nobili et al. 2003 paper, since it
    > was not a relevant band for the Knop et al paper (Rob, do you agree with
    > this?). I any case, the quoted uncertainty (0.05) takes care of these
    > differences, giving us confidence in what we are doing.

    Things are not so simple. I'm willing to grant that you may have better I
    band, but the B and V band don't agree either. Attached is a B->B band
    comparison plot, which also disagrees by about 0.05 magnitudes (stretch 1,
    redshift 0.05).

    This is not a minor difference. Using your B and V K-corrections when
    fitting cosmologies results in a shift along the short axis of the
    cosmological parameters by around 1 sigma. If we have to double the
    error bar size of all of our cosmological results that we have ever
    published, then people probably wouldn't pay that much attention to
    our results.


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