Re: Comments on February 6th draft

From: Serena Nobili (
Date: Mon Feb 09 2004 - 07:29:48 PST

  • Next message: Chris Lidman: "Re: Comments on February 6th draft"

    Dear Chris

    thanks for your comments. Can you please point me again to which paragraph
    you would like me to remove? (Paragraph 4 of which section?) Also, as I
    understand from your previous e-mail, there is still about 0.02 mag
    uncertainty between the different systems. Should we really remove
    completely the discussion or perhaps we should just re-phrase it in a
    softer way?


    On 8 Feb 2004, Chris Lidman wrote:

    >- Paragraph 4. I think that this paragraph should be removed as modern
    >IR standard star systems are just as good as visual standard star
    >systems. It comes down to the care the observer takes in choosing a
    >suitable set of standards and to knowing how one standard star system
    >relates with another. Thanks to 2MASS, the relationship between systems
    >is better understood.

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