Re: SN 1999Q info from John Tonry

From: Serena Nobili (
Date: Tue Feb 03 2004 - 02:57:18 PST

  • Next message: Chris Lidman: "[Fwd: Visual and IR photometric systems]"

    On Mon, 2 Feb 2004, Vitaliy Fadeyev wrote:

    >According to the Rob's paper, 40-50 days threshold refered to the rest frame,
    >and the restframe coverage of sn1999q does not extent beyond 40 days.
    >(The snminuit lightcurves have observation time axis.) Because of this,
    >I'm not sure if I want to redo the fits.

    Dear Vitaliy,

    I do agree with you, of course I miss-interpreted the time axis in the
    snminuit plots to be restframe. I am sorry about that. I would like to
    thank you once more for your help with this work. All I need to do now is
    to introduce these information in the analysis and find a good way to
    present it in the paper. I will be ready with a new draft very soon.


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