Great Paper!

From: Carl Pennypacker (
Date: Wed Jan 14 2004 - 11:41:11 PST

  • Next message: Serena Nobili: "notes on the Iband phone conference"

    Hello Serena,

     I had to leave the meeting early. But I think this is a very good
    paper, and
    the few comments I had about clarifying things follow:

    0) From Cardelli, 1989 I think, I get the ration of A_B/A_I is something
    more like 3 or so, for a number of extinction curves. I think saying
    this rartio is 2 to 3 is a safer and more accurate statement. See
    Commins notes on
    extinction on our web page.

    1) the mathematical functional basis of the
    B-template and not as physical basis. Although somehow,
    the time-scales in rise and fall times must be related to something
    about the supernova atmospheres and diffusion of energy.

    2) As noted in the meeting, I think emphasizing that for now the
    same stretch works for both the first peak and the second peak is
    a substantial discovery,and should be emphasized.

    3) I would appreciate a mention of some models of why
    you get a secondary peak at all. It seems very peculiar --
    the wavelengths are not that different than the R-Band, but this
    looks a fair bit more weird. There must be a couple of models you
    could mention in the discussion as to where and why this might
    come from.

    4) I think the fact you have the same stretch makes the coupling
    and uniqueness of the solution better. Maybe you can try to let
    stretch of the second one float, and I bet the solution set becomes
    much bigger -- these are NOT orthogonal functions in general, but
    if you constrain things, mathematically it becomes much better.

    5) Figure 15: (and possibly the cosmological implications): I feel
    that we
    are way overstating the cosmological implications of our three data points.
    Basically, to me, it looks like by eye that the OmegaM=1 with dust is a
    fit. We essentially are averaging all of the three points, and the one
    with the
    biggest error bars pulls it up to concordance parameters. I would much
    if we say this is weak evidence against dust, but here we demonstrate
    the method.
    The problem is I see that this is a somewhat weak result, and I do not
    want it
    to distract from your great result on the standardizing the curves!!

       Otherwise, very good!


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