Correction! Factor of lambda missing in flambda-->fnu

From: Greg Aldering (
Date: Mon Jul 12 2004 - 20:06:09 PDT

  • Next message: Robert A. Knop Jr.: "meet"

    Hi folks,

    I discovered an error: in my conversion from f(lammbda) to f(nu) I left
    off a factor of lambda. So, all of the spectra should have a steeper slope
    to the red. This moves the knot2 colors younger by a few 100 Myr. This now
    makes the case even stronger for core-collapse, as the age is within the
    age range when CC SN actually explode. I have revised the plot (attached).

    If someone wants to check me on this, the data file
    /home/astro35/aldering/papers/99as/modeling/SB99_all/fig1d.dat contains
    the model spectra. They are labeled as having units of
    log(erg/s/Angstrom). I converted this to log(fnu)+C by adding

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