Re: HST schedule for next search

From: Tony Spadafora (
Date: Tue Jun 29 2004 - 19:32:31 PDT

  • Next message: Robert A. Knop Jr.: "Re: HST schedule for next search"

    The file was NOT rtf but rather (at least what Microsoft calls)
    text-only (no line breaks) which has none of the rtf formatting. emacs
    on the LBL machines has no problem with it, but in case you are having
    problems reading it, here it is as straight text:

    SEARCH 3

    Sum of Time(sec) Apertures Elements
    1 46 7/6/04 17:48 7/6/04 19:32 7/7/04 0:48 7/7/04 2:32 1600 400
    2 54 7/6/04 20:54 7/6/04 21:47 7/7/04 3:54 7/7/04 4:47 1600 400
    3 56 7/6/04 22:29 7/6/04 23:23 7/7/04 5:29 7/7/04 6:23 1600 400
    4 53 7/7/04 0:05 7/7/04 0:59 7/7/04 7:05 7/7/04 7:59 1600 400
    5 49 7/7/04 1:41 7/7/04 2:35 7/7/04 8:41 7/7/04 9:35 1600 400
    6 42 7/7/04 3:17 7/7/04 4:11 7/7/04 10:17 7/7/04 11:11 1600 400
    7 45 7/7/04 4:53 7/7/04 5:47 7/7/04 11:53 7/7/04 12:47 1600 400
    8 55 7/7/04 6:29 7/7/04 7:22 7/7/04 13:29 7/7/04 14:22 1600 400
    9 52 7/7/04 8:05 7/7/04 8:58 7/7/04 15:05 7/7/04 15:58 1600 400
    10 48 7/7/04 9:41 7/7/04 10:34 7/7/04 16:41 7/7/04 17:34 1600 400
    11 41 7/7/04 11:19 7/7/04 13:16 7/7/04 18:19 7/7/04 20:16 1600 400
    12 44 7/7/04 14:36 7/7/04 16:28 7/7/04 21:36 7/7/04 23:28 1600 400
    13 51 7/7/04 16:34 7/7/04 18:22 7/7/04 23:34 7/8/04 1:22 1600 400
    14 47 7/7/04 19:16 7/7/04 20:37 7/8/04 2:16 7/8/04 3:37 1600 400
    15 50 7/7/04 20:52 7/7/04 21:45 7/8/04 3:52 7/8/04 4:45 1600 400
    Grand Total 24000 6000

    Robert A. Knop Jr. wrote:
    > On Tue, Jun 29, 2004 at 06:56:16PM -0700, Tony Spadafora wrote:
    >>HST search,
    >>Attached is the HST observations schedule for search 3 as pdf (and as
    >>.txt to be converted to a wiki table.) As you can see, it is
    >>relatively early this time (Tues-Wed PDT) and compressed to ~30 hrs
    >>elapsed time.
    > Note -- .txt is different from .rtf. The latter is just Microsoft Word
    > format in disguise, whereas .txt is what this message is.
    > -Rob

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Tue Jun 29 2004 - 19:33:11 PDT