Something we can do to help figure out the magnitude zero-point issue

From: Saul Perlmutter (
Date: Mon Apr 05 2004 - 17:19:13 PDT

  • Next message: Robert A. Knop Jr.: "Re: Something we can do to help figure out the magnitude zero-point issue"

    We figure that you will probably be able to do this faster than us, but
    while you are re-checking candidates it might make sense for somebody
    here to start going through new images (and maybe subtraction images) by
    hand to try to calibrate them against the master GOODS fields. We're
    trying to figure out a method to do this right now -- mostly because of
    course we can't make any of the decisions about ranking the candidates
    based on magnitudes vs z, or color vs z until we know the zeropoints.
    Any extra obvious methods that you see to do this?

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