\documentclass{aa} %\documentstyle[subfig]{style} %\usepackage{epsfig,latexsym,graphicx,epsf,subfigure,verbatim,amsmath} \usepackage{threeparttable,hhline,longtable} \usepackage{deluxetable} \usepackage{epsfig,latexsym,graphicx,epsf,subfigure,verbatim,amsmath} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{txfonts} %\linespread{1.6} \usepackage{natbib} \bibliographystyle{apj} \citestyle{aa} \begin{document} \title{Search for spectral evolution in high-redshift Type Ia supernovae.} \author{G.~Garavini, G.~Folatelli, A.~Goobar, C.~Lidman, S.~Nobili, and the Supernova Cosmology Project Collaboration} \offprints{G.~Garavini , garavini@in2p3.fr} \institute{Department of Physics, Stockholm University, \\ SCFAB, S--106 91 Stockholm, Sweden } \date{Received ...; accepted ...} \authorrunning{G.~Garavini} \titlerunning{Search for Spectral Evolution} \date{} \abstract{A quantitative comparison of low and high-redshift {\bf Type Ia} supernovae {\bf SNe Ia} spectra is presented. Measurements of {\bf the} Ca~{\sc ii}~H\&K expansion velocity and equivalent width-like measurements of 12 high-redshift supernovae (0.212 < $z$ < 0.912) are found {\bf to be} statistically consistent with those of a sample nearby supernovae. We find no evidence {\bf for} evolution {\bf in} the spectral properties of SNe Ia with redshift. One supernova, SN~2002fd, ($z$=0.279) shows spectral characteristics similar to peculiar SN~1991T/SN~1999aa-like {\bf SNe}, making it the first {\bf object of this type identified at high reshift.}} \maketitle \section{Introduction} Precision measurements of cosmological parameters using high-redshift SNe~Ia as distance indicators require a good understanding of their brightness homogeneity and of the reliability of the shape-brightness corrections {\bf that are} derived from local samples. The spectral energy distribution is the most direct way to investigate the physics of supernova explosions and{\bf,} thus, {\bf to} search for possible intrinsic differences between local and distant SNe. Possible signs of evolution in spectra of high-redshift SNe, such as those due to a drift toward low metallicity progenitors, have been modeled, e.g. by \citet{1998ApJ...495..617H} and \citet{2000ApJ...530..966L}. These studies found that, because of the plausible lower progenitor metallicity, high-redshift supernovae are expected to show enhanced UV flux. In addition, lower metallicity in optical spectral features would : (a) tend to shift the minima of the spectral line to longer wavelengths and (b) make absorption features shallower. With the {\bf large} number of {\bf well-observed} local supernovae {\bf now available}, a wide range of spectral diversities is being found (see e.g \citet{2003astro.ph.10685B}). The physical origin of these differences and their possible drift as {\bf a} function of redshift have to be investigated. Statistical studies are useful to probe {\bf for} differences between high and low redshift SN data sets. For example, attempts have been made to compare light curve parameters but as of now, without conclusive results \citep{1999AJ....118.2675R,2000AJ....119.2110A}. Possible systematic differences in the brightness of SNe~Ia have been found in the local sample depending on host galaxy type: slow-decliner supernovae have been claimed to be more common in young progenitor systems and fast-decliner SNe more common in old progenitors systems \citep{1995AJ....109....1H,1996AJ....112.2391H,2000AJ....120.1479H,2001ApJ...554L.193H}. This trend could not be confirmed by \citet{2003MNRAS.340.1057S} in a study of 39 distant SNe in a redshift range of $0.3$ = 114.06. The measured scatter around the mean value is $\sigma_{<{\mbox{\scriptsize {\sc ew}}}>}$= 14.16. For peculiar SN~1991T/SN~1999aa-like SNe we find $<${\mbox{{\sc ew}}}$>$ = 68.69 and $\sigma_{<{\mbox{\scriptsize {\sc ew}}}>}$ = 6.08. The value measured for SN~2002fd (${\mbox{{\sc ew}}}$ = 73.60 $\pm$ 2.90) is consistent -- within one standard deviation -- with what was found for peculiar objects. %Furthermore, comparing the measurements obtained for SN~2002fd with %that a the same epoch of SN~1991T ($ ew $ = 79.16 $\pm$ 1.46)) we %found that they are consistent within 2$\sigma$. \section{Summary and Conclusions} \label{conc} Spectroscopic data of 12 high-redshift supernovae, in the redshift range $z$=0.212 to 0.912 were analyzed and a qualitative classification scheme proposed to classify high-redshift SN~Ia. Based on this classification scheme all our SNe, but one, were classified as normal type Ia. SN~2002fd ($z$=0.279) showed weaker Ca~{\sc ii}~H\&K, Si~{\sc ii}~$\lambda$4000, S~{\sc ii}~`W' and Si~{\sc ii}~$\lambda$6355 consistently with what observed in SN~1991T/SN1999aa-like objects in the local universe. This classification was confirmed by means of the {\sc ew} measurements. Prior to maximum light, Ca~{\sc ii}~H\&K {\sc ew}s show a clear distinction between the values typically found for normal and SN~1991T/SN1999aa-like SNe. The value measured for SN~2002fd ($ {\mbox{{\sc ew}}} $ = 73.60 $\pm$ 1.89) results consistent with that of SN~1991T/SN~1999aa-like object ($< {\mbox{{\sc ew}}} >$ = 68.69, $\sigma_{< {\mbox{\scriptsize {\sc ew}}} >}$ 6.08). A first quantitative comparison between low and high-redshift SN~Ia by means of spectral indicators is presented. Measurements of the expansion velocities as inferred from the minimum of Ca~{\sc ii}~H\&K for the high-redshift supernovae are compared with those of local SNe with the aim to point out possible evolution effects. No signs of evolution with redshift were found in the spectral characteristics. Equivalent widths values and time evolution for the regions we labeled ``Fe~{\sc ii} 4800'', ``Mg~{\sc ii} 4300'' and ``Ca~{\sc ii}~H\&K'' are also found within the intrinsic distribution of nearby supernovae. Furthermore, by means of a $\chi^2$ test, high-redshift SNe data are found statistically consistent with the empirical models describing the time evolution of ``Fe~{\sc ii} 4800'', ``Mg~{\sc ii} 4300'' {\sc ew}'s \citep{folatelliew} for local normal SNe. Supernova {\sc ew}'s intrinsic spread of optical absorption lines is found to be larger than what is predicted modeling metallicity variation alone. The ultra-violet flux is however, theoretically expected to be more affected by possible progenitors population drift. This suggests that to isolate the effect of metallicity on supernova spectra at high redshift accurate studies of rest frame $U-B$ color should be undertaken. \bibliography{/data/snova/bibtex/bib} \end{document}