Evolution comments

From: Robert A. Knop Jr. (robert.a.knop@vanderbilt.edu)
Date: Sun Feb 27 2005 - 06:16:08 PST

  • Next message: Gabriele Garavini: "Re: Evolution reply to comments"

    Footnote 1 on page 5: the statement about how the maxima are chosen is
    still a little confusing. It should be made clear that this is for the
    low-redshift supernovae with high S/N, since this condition may be
    violated when there is low S/N (and a noise spike pops up between the

    Top of page 6, second and third bullets, for clarity I would change it

       - A small wavelength region (to which hereafter we refer to as the
         fitting region) is selected around each identified maximum, always
         within the wavenegth ranges of Table 3.

       - To the data extracted from both fitting regions, we fit a straight

    Otherwise, I think that the current description is fine. I haven't
    heard back from Eric yet on whether he has any problems with the current

    By the way: please remember to include Eric on messages regarding this


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