Agenda for Monday's meeting

From: Chris Lidman (
Date: Sun Jan 25 2004 - 07:23:55 PST

  • Next message: Chris Lidman: "Re: Agenda for Monday's meeting"

    Dear All,
      Here is a brief agenda to help start Monday's discussion on Gabriel's
    EW paper. It is not meant to be a complete summary of all the points
    that have been raised, but it lists the major ones.

    Cheers, Chris.

    Meeting Agenda 26/01/04

    Systematic errors - Section 3.3

    In reference to the first paragraph, is the method used to estimate
    the systematic error valid?

    1-sigma errors in Table 5

    The way the 1-sigma errors are reported is this and other related tables
    is confusing.

    More plots - Section 5

    Adding one or more plots showing the correlations between EW
    and peak magnitude and adding a paragraph or table which describes how
    the dispersion in the corrected peak magnitude is reduced after the
    correlation is taken into account.

    Adding a plot of EW(2+3) versus epoch for a representative
    number of supernovae

    Systematic errors due to host contamination

    This section is not clear and needs to be discussed.

    A New section - section 5.2

    Move all comments on the applicability of these correlations on
    high z SN spectra into its own section.

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