new EW paper draft (v 7.1)

From: Tony Spadafora (
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 17:57:48 PST

  • Next message: Gaston Folatelli: "New version of the EW paper (v 7.2)"

    SCP collaborators:

    Gaston has posted a new version of his equivalent widths (
    "Spectroscopic homogeneity of Type Ia SNe measured through equivalent
    widths") paper.

    Link to the paper is below. Please send comments to Gaston and cc to
    <>. Chris and Isobel's comments on v 7.1 (as
    well as previous comments) are available at:

    We will schedule a meeting to discuss comments on this paper sometime
    next week (~ Jan 20-22).


    Begin forwarded message:

    > From: Gaston Folatelli <>
    > Date: January 11, 2004 10:06:09 AM PST
    > To: Tony Spadafora <>, EW paper
    > <>
    > Cc:
    > Subject: EW paper draft (v 7.1)
    > Hi Tony,
    > Could you make this an announcement to the whole SCP? Thank you very
    > much,
    > -Gastón
    > Dear collaborators,
    > I have posted a new version of the paper draft on EW's. This version is
    > 7.1 and can be retrieved (with the usual SCP access) from:
    > This version accounts for Saul's and Isobel's comments to v 7.0.
    > I have a few comments on Saul's thorough review:
    > - In section 3.3: The estimated error from the definition of the
    > pseudo-continuum can be added to the statistical error without
    > double-counting the errors, since the former is just a measure of the
    > scatter of the EW's as one varies the points defining the continuum.
    > - Sections 4 and 4.4: The concept that the Si II features serve to
    > separate the SN Ia subtypes is correct. The text was wrong by saying
    > the
    > the scatter of EW is greater in these features than in the others.
    > This is
    > only true in relative terms. The text has been corrected.
    > - Fig. 7: An average curve for Branch normal SNe was added in this
    > plot.
    > As a consequence, a new table (Table 8) was added to quantify the
    > differences between normal and 1991T-like SNe.
    > - Sections 5 and 5.1.3: The other correlations found are mentioned now,
    > though no further analysis is shown. This choice of \alpha(2+3)
    > is justified in the text.
    > The comment on other correlations tried has simply been taken away from
    > the beginning of section 5 and is left in section 5.1.3 exclusively.
    > - Section 5: Host galaxy extinction estimates. A reference saying that
    > SN
    > 1999aa is believed to be unreddened in the host has been added. This
    > reduces the number of SNe with unknown host galaxy extinction to two
    > (SN
    > 1999ac and SN 1999bp). The magnitude error of the former of these two
    > is
    > big enough to account for anything. This is what we've got...
    > - Section 5.1.3: When comparing the residuals of Phillip's relation
    > (after
    > Eqn. 7), I don't attempt to stick to the same range of Delta_m15 as the
    > authors because our sample would be very much reduced and because we'd
    > like to find a parameter that works for all Ia's.
    > - Sections 4 and 6: The comments of the kind "individual SNe follow
    > parallel paths to the average curves" were changed to "SN Ia subtypes
    > follow parallel..." because this is what the analysis and the plots
    > show.
    > This is why we changed the plots to divide the measurements in the
    > three
    > SN Ia subtypes instead of showing the SNe individually.
    > About Isobel's comments I'd like to say:
    > - Including the actual EW measurements in the paper would be too much,
    > I
    > think. A table with that information would be several pages long. I
    > think
    > the best would be to publish these data in the web.
    > - I added the information necessary to reproduce the average curves
    > shown
    > in Figures 2, 3, 4 and 7.
    > - Yes, I have tried to plot the Delta_EW vs M_B for individual SNe. The
    > very first versions of the paper, before Section 5 appeared, included
    > this
    > analysis. But again, the correlation was not as strong as the ones
    > finally
    > presented.
    > - In my opinion, a plot of EW_(2+3) as a function of epoch wouldn't add
    > really that much substance to the analysis.
    > - Section 4.6 (S II "W"): Thanks for the comment. Now the text makes
    > more
    > sense in this somewhat forgotten (by me) section.
    > - Section 5.1.2: Now the text explains why we don't use Phillip's
    > relation
    > to go from delta_m15 vs t_br to M_B vs t_br.
    > I also would like to say that I haven't forgotten to switch to the AAS
    > LaTex macro. I just decided to do it once and at the end, right before
    > submission.
    > Thanks for the reviews. I hope we all enjoy this new version.
    > -Gastón

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