Comments on Equivalent Widths paper.

From: Saul Perlmutter (
Date: Mon Jan 05 2004 - 18:46:21 PST

  • Next message: Isobel Hook: "Re: Eq. width paper - new draft"

    Hi Gaston,
        I'm attaching my comments (in a scanned PDF format and an
    explanatory MPEG voice recording to help understand what the scanned
    comments mean). In the voice recording I was just going one by one
    through all the detailed comments -- but I did want to tell you that
    this is a very interesting paper and complement you on some nice
    work! As you'll see (hear?) in my comments, there are a few issues
    that will be interesting to discuss together and try to figure out the
    best way to handle. We may want to schedule a collab phone call --
    I'll see what the exec committee thinks this week about the best way to
    help you on these questions.
        Talk to you soon -- and happy new year! --Saul

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