kcor exercise May 4 2004 goal: calculate kii for 20 nearby SNe Various inputs : Peter's spectral template (adjusted to mean colors) same modified by Serena 94D spectrum 94D colors various SNe spectra + colors Various procedures (capital letters refer to column in the attached file) Serena: S: uses her version of Peter's template does not adjust to individual colors Lifan: L: use some actual spectra and colors Peter: P1: uses his template P2: use 94D spectrum with 94 colors P3: his template with 94 colors Output: attached file with Snname, redshift,S,L,P1,P2,P3 Quick analysis (5' before the meeting - for discussion) - up to 0.2m between S and L - increase with z - L=P2 +/- 0.02 - S=P1 +/- 0.03 - P2=P3 +/- 0.01 My conclusion based on the above the differences - as large as 0.2m - come from the differences in the spectra May,4 2004 Reynald