Re: New HST draft available

From: Robert A. Knop Jr. (
Date: Mon Apr 07 2003 - 12:16:24 PDT

  • Next message: Tony Spadafora: "Reminder: SCP meeting on HST paper April 10"

    On Mon, Apr 07, 2003 at 12:10:58PM -0700, Don Groom wrote:
    > The whole point is that R98 used a biased prior resulting from their
    > confusion of true value with measured value, their fundamental error.
    > But it's a particular choice of prior, not just a prior.

    OK, I understood that-- but clearly I didn't make it clear in the

    The other thing I never said is that they don't really do what they say
    they do. By applying this prior, you end up with error bars (especially
    for "too blue" supernovae) that are nowhere near Gaussian-- they're very
    near half-Gaussian, yes, but not Gaussian. However, they then go on and
    do a chisquare fit anyway. They *approximate* the new PDF for the color
    uncertainty by using adjusting E(B-V) to the new mean value, and using
    the second moment of the real PDF about this new distribution as the
    error bar. This, anyway, is what I did when I tried to simulate their
    methods, and it's what Peter swears to me that they do. I probably
    should point out explicitly that I'm *not* really integrating the new
    PDF you get as a result of applying the prior, but some (perhaps not
    terribly good) approximation to it.

    > *I like the discussion, although the mallet is still small. But then one
    > of them might referee the paper.

    Hmm-- I thought the mallet was pretty nasty already. I guess I'm just
    oversensitive after glancing through Bob Kirshner's "mine is bigger than
    yours" book... I'd like to avoid sinking to the same level of name
    calling. (Not that I didn't just do that, but this is an internal


    --Prof. Robert Knop
      Department of Physics & Astronomy, Vanderbilt University

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