Subaru Observation

From: Naoki Yasuda (
Date: Thu Nov 28 2002 - 04:33:40 PST

  • Next message: Naoki Yasuda: "Re: Subaru Observation"

    Dear all,

    Subaru/Suprime-Cam observation was done.
    Weather was clear and seeing was moderate (0.6-0.8 arcsec).
    However due to the trouble of the filter exchange unit of Suprime-Cam,
    we got only 25min exposures for SXDS_1 and SXDS_5.
    Tomorrow support astronomers will go up to the summit and
    fix the problem.

    For this 11/27-29 run, we are requesting 1 hour exposures
    for SXDS_1, SXDS_5, SXDS_2, and SXDS_4. According to the
    light-curve I made, most candidates are expected to be bright
    enough for 1 hour exposures.

    Suprime-Cam observation on 12/6 was approved as a compensation
    for CISCO trouble. We also requested 12/27-28 but they are not
    approved due to the lack of man power to exchange instruments.
    So our last SXDS observation will be 12/4-6.
    After the 11/27-29 run, we will decide which fields and how deep
    to follow at the Dec. run with Suprime-Cam and when and which
    candidates FORS2 will follow.

    Naoki Yasuda @ National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

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