simulations on Subaru search

From: Ariel Goobar (
Date: Wed Nov 06 2002 - 06:09:06 PST

  • Next message: Mamoru Doi: "Surpime-Cam obs. Nov.6"

    I have added a few simulation sanity check plots relevant to the ongoing
    search on our webpage:
    (Look for FALL 2002B section ***)

    What I have done is

    1) compared the distribution of discovery magnitudes (prio 4 and 5
       candidates) with theSNOC simulations. Indeed it seems to make sense, i.e. there are
       no obvious signs of miss-subtractions giving rise to lots
       of candidates with "wrong" magnitude. There is a
       possible discrepancy in the abundance of candidates in 24.4 < i < 24.8
       and 25 < i < 25.2, but nothing terrible.

    2) made a histogram with the expected z-range of the candidates for
        three threshold levels: 24, 24.5 and 25. We clearly, need
        reach 24.5 if we want to find z>1 candidates.

    3) made a scatter plot with discovery magnitudes vs z.


    Ariel Goobar (
    FYSIKUM, Stockholm University
    Stockholm Center for Physics, Astronomy & Biotechnology
    tel: +46 8 55378659

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