Updated candidate matches between Berkeley and Hawaii

From: Alex Conley (aconley@panisse.lbl.gov)
Date: Tue Nov 05 2002 - 18:02:06 PST

  • Next message: Greg Aldering: "candidate priority evaluation"

    I have started trying to find the candidates that Mamoru and company
    report but that we did not find. So far I have examined the SXDS_2
    candidates. I will give them in the order that Naoki did in his email


    SuF02-012 0 0
    SuF02-055 0 1
    SuF02-077 1 1 This is on our subtractions, but has a %10 increase,
                    so we didn't save it. I have now saved it.
    Gap 1 1 This is in the interchip gap, so we can't see it
    SuF02-021 2 0
    Top 2 0 This is off the top of chips c/d, so we don't see it
    SuF02-051 3 0
    SuF02-037 3 1
    Top 4 1 This is off the top of chip j, so we don't see it.

    To explain this top/gap thing: We coadded to the central chip positions
    only. That means that there are regions between the chips, and on the
    sides of the overall array where there are images (at reduced depth),
    but that aren't covered in our subtraction. We building larger frames
    last year with poor results. This is because of ill constrained
    transforms between imgages. Subaru/SCP ties their subtractions to an
    overall geometric solution, so they are able to use these regions.

    At one point we talked about doing a 'shifted' set of subtractions, but
    we barely managed to get these to work as it was. If we continue
    searching with Subaru every year, it will probably be worth our while
    to implement stuff based on the overall optical solution, but it obviously
    won't happen in time for this data.


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