Today's update on S02-075 observations with HST.

From: Saul Perlmutter (
Date: Wed Jun 05 2002 - 09:47:52 PDT

Here's the news as of today on S02-075 (as summarized by Tony):

Val Prasad (new Berkeley postdoc) has taken a quick look at the ACS
data, and based on his very rough estimates, Saul plotted up a very
preliminary light curve (attached.)
We estimate roughly an 8% drop from the Subaru discovery to the first
(May 20) HST point and a 30% drop to the second point. This would imply

S02-075 is now about I_cousins=23.9 mag, and about 10 days past max in
its restframe. (So a spectrum from Gemini would still help a lot!)

>From the ACS image, Greg commented that "it is difficult to
judge the host type, but if it is not an elliptical it is probably
a fairly early spiral since there is definitely a strong central
concentration of light." If is an elliptical, it would have a rather
high ellipticity (~0.6 -~0.75).

Based on all this (and since we could only cancel one or two orbits
remaining), it seems reasonable to continue with the remaining planned
HST orbits for S02-075.

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