spectrophotometric standards

From: Greg Aldering (aldering@panisse.lbl.gov)
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 23:32:34 PDT

For those of you who still use the selected spectrophotometric standard
star list I set up for the Spring 1999 campaign (available at
http://panisse.lbl.gov/nearsearch/spect.guide.html#STDOBS), this is a
note to let you know that a number of the standard star files (AB
magnitude versus wavelength) have been updated using the new STIS
spectra from Bohlin, Dickinson & Calzetti (2001, AJ 122, 2118). Their
three "solar analog" stars have also been added.

Note that the STIS spectra extend many of the Oke 1990 standards to
beyond 1 micron. They also have higher S/N and correct some atmospheric
correction errors in the Oke data. Thus, if you have old spectra which
were calibrated using the Oke standards, but which extended longwards of
9200A, you can now recalibrate the last 1000A of those spectra.



P.S. "nearby" and "sn@z<1" will get you into the page

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