SCP Paper II: CMAGIC Cosmology analysis. Comment by 4/1/05.

From: Tony Spadafora (
Date: Wed Mar 16 2005 - 15:38:19 PST

  • Next message: Tony Spadafora: "SCP Paper II: CMAGIC Cosmology analysis. Comment by 4/1/05."

    SCP collaborators,

    As promised, this is the second e-mail regarding an SCP draft ready for
    collaboration review:

    Alex Conley's "Measurement of Omega_M, Omega_Lambda from a blind
    analysis of Type Ia supernovae with CMAGIC: Using color information to
    verify the acceleration of the Universe ". The latest version is at (usual password).

    A version was distributed to the collaboration last fall with the
    blinded results. Alex has since un-blinded and the current version has
    his cosmology results.

    Please send comments to him ( and cc: to by FRIDAY APRIL 1.

    Some comments from Alex:
    Begin forwarded message:

    > This is version 1.55.
    > Some notes to go out with the paper
    > [1] It's too long. I welcome suggestions for how to make it shorter
    > without loss of clarity.
    > [2] I would love to hear suggestions for how to improve the method
    > for comparing the m_B and B_BV0.6 results. Please be concrete!
    > For example: Multiply the two PDFs and integrate, and that number
    > is the probability of compatibility. Not that that suggestion
    > actually
    > works, but it's concrete enough to talk about.
    > [3] This is a SCP paper, since it uses some unpublished SCP data.
    > Therefore, the standard SCP author list applies. Hopefully the
    > one that is being fought out for Gabriele's paper applies. To
    > that I would like to add Mark Strovink and Eugene Commins.
    > My preference as far as order is to have Conley, Goldhaber, Wang
    > and then everybody else in alphabetical order.
    > Alex


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