Re: slides for today

From: Reynald Pain (
Date: Wed Mar 02 2005 - 05:19:22 PST

  • Next message: Alexander Conley: "Re: slides for today"

    Hi Alex,

    Sorry for missing the discussion on your analysis. Here are a few
    comments/suggestions on you new draft:


    The sentence "disagree .. at 1.7 sigma" sounds odd : disagree is a
    strong statement , 1.7 sigma is not much.
    also the "favors ... at 1.6 sigma"
      do the sigmas even include (known) systematics ?

    for the 2nd statement I would say the CMAGIC and peak mag agree within
    less than 2 sigma (I assume that this sigma is
    not the statistical sigma of one of the method or any combination of
    the two since the two measurement are done with the same data. you took
    that into account right ?)

    page 2 : 3rd paragraph : I think the stretch was introduced in P97

    page 3 : 3rd paragraph : add ref Tonry03 and Barris04 who also use (I
    think) the Bayesian approach to treat extinction ?

    page 3 paragaph 4: you say that CMAGIC has advantages for evolution but
    do not clearly say what the benefit is.

    page 5 : "By studying well observed ..; " explain how

    page 9 : top : "0.1 rest frame days" why not .1 and not 0.5, 1, ...
    ? justify specially if the analysis is very sensitive to it

    page 17 : last paragraphe before 6.4 . i ma not sure the first 2
    sentences are needed

    systematics: Include some estimate of systematics from K-cor (other
    than U-enhanced) (propagate uncertainties of K-cor)

    Conclusion : same remark as for the abstract concerning the conclusions
    drawn from 1.6 and 1.7 sigma deviations

    acknowledgments : I did not find 1999ee in the list of SNe you use.

    fig 4 : what about using a smaller binning (half size or even of 0.05

    fig 7 : do not show the marginalized distrib ?

    fig 9: in the caption give the value of alpha found


    Le 1 mars 05, à 19:06, Alexander Conley a écrit :

    > The slides I was planning on showing at the Exec
    > meeting today are available at
    > (hizsn/hizsn)
    > Alex
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