Comparing low and high-z slope distributions

From: Alexander Conley (
Date: Sun Nov 07 2004 - 01:06:32 PST

  • Next message: Alexander Conley: "Re: comments on Oct 12 manuscript"

    There was definitely something wrong with the values given in the paper
    for the mean slopes and the error in that mean.

    In any case, the new values are:

    Low-z: beta = 1.9854 +- 0.0299
    High-z: beta = 1.9654 +- 0.1130

    There are 47 low-z and 5 high-z, so you expect a sqrt(10) = 3
    but for some reason there is a factor of 4. With only 5 SNe involved,
    this probably
    doesn't mean much -- I suppose one could estimate the error in the rms
    or something.

    The addition of a few extra low-z SNe has dragged the mean slope up
    slightly for
    the low z sample (by maybe 0.02).

    I thought for a while about using the weighted mean for this, but I
    think it's valid. The weighted mean seems to require that all of the
    are of the same quantity, and since I believe that there is some
    intrinsic dispersion
    in the slopes, this doesn't apply. The raw mean, on the other hand, has
    it's own life. In any case, using a weighted mean decreases the error
    in the low-z
    sample by about a factor of two, but doesn't really do anything for the
    high-z sample.

    They are consistent -- but the high-z error is pretty big.


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