CMAGIC cosmology paper comments

From: Vitaliy Fadeyev (
Date: Tue Sep 07 2004 - 15:44:59 PDT

  • Next message: Alexander Conley: "Re: CMAGIC cosmology paper comments"

    Hi Alex,

    The paper is good, and it reads well.
    I have a general comment and some minor notes.

    Since you already characterized the effects of the individual
    cuts variations, do you want to combine them into an
    aggregate systematic error?

    The notes follow here. I use the test version dated by 2004/08/25.

    1) p.2, last sentece. "... than this method will calculate..." ->
    "... then this method will calculate..."

    2) p.3. I think the flow of the text will improve if the paragraphs
    "There is no unique choice..." and "The evolution issue is ..."
    are swapped.

    3) p.3, paragraph 3. It would seem better to me to change
    "CMAG", as a notation for "color-magnitude relationship",
    by "CM" or "CMR". CMAG reads very similar to CMAGIC.

    4) p.3, paragraph 3. "There are some potential evolutionary
    effects for which..." This sentence appears vague. If you have
    citations for the theories mentions, it would be good to add them

    5) p.3, paragraph 3. "...for many potential the evolutionary effects..."
    seems like a typo. Maybe "...for many potential evolutionary effects..."
    is meant.

    6) p.5, last paragraph. "This is not truly a law, but rather
    I may be wrong, but the sentence looks misworded. "This is not truly
    a law, but rather a characteristic of ..." would seem better.

    7) p.6, 3rd paragraph. "Phillips et al found no significant evidence for
    a lower value of R_B... deriving R_B = 2.6 +- 0.4." This seems strange,
    since 2.6 is lower than Riess's 3.55 or "standard" 4.1

    8) p.7, equation 2. I suspect that the time of maximum was assumed
    to belong to the CMAGIC linear regime in deriving the equation.
    If so, one may want to state this explicitly.

    9) p. 8, 2nd paragraph. "In this case (i.e. if the intrinsic colors
    change --vf)...
    the SNe are thought to be dimmer than they really are..." Do they have
    to become dimmer? I would thing that the direction of the brightness
    change should depend on the direction of the assumed intrinsic color

    10) p. 14, "zcurhigh". "...used our primary fit" -> "... used in our
    primary fit."

    11) Appendix A. It may look better to change "Bumps" to "CMAG Bumps"
    (or whatever abbreviation is used for CMAG).


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