Re: 99ac: Fig 8 label typo

From: Gabriele Garavini (
Date: Sat Mar 12 2005 - 04:43:51 PST

  • Next message: Gabriele Garavini: "Fwd: Referee Report for AJ Manuscript #204680 : SN1999ac"

    Dear Tony,

    I'll work on the comments that I received and prepare a new version of
    the paper before next exec meeting, after which I think we should be
    able to submit the paper.
    M. Mouchet asked me to be included in the author list. I believe she
    took part to the campaign as Christophe Balland did,
    but I do not know why she was not included in the paper. I do not have
    any problem including her.
    Please would you check if this is a problem with the rest of the exec?

    Thank you very much.


    On Mar 12, 2005, at 12:16 AM, Tony Spadafora wrote:

    > Hi Gabriele,
    > Gerson points out that the axis label of the lower right panel of Fig
    > 8 is incorrect: judging by the scale, it should be v[km/s] not "rest
    > frame lambda".
    > I should mention to the scpexec to check the archive for comments that
    > have been sent in. In particular, Christophe Balland has done a
    > careful reading and sent detailed comments.
    > -Tony

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