Elena D'Onghia
James Pizagno
Graeme Lufkin
Adviser: Tom Quinn

Angular Momentum
in N-Body Simulations

Computing Our Universe 1998, Student Project

Research presentation

Why is Angular Momentum interesting

The Simulations We Used

For our project we analyzed the simulation described in the paper by Ben Moore et al. In short, they ran a large scale structure simulation at a low resolution and picked a halo cluster of interest in that simulation. The particles of that halo cluster were traced back to their initial conditions to identify the originating region, which was then resimulated at a higher resolution. The data we treat is an attempt to simulate a "Virgo" cluster of galaxies.

Angular Momentum Within A Galaxy Halo

Part of our project was to analyze the angular momentum distribution and alignment within the halos found in the simulation described above. The alignment was analyzed measuring the angle between the particle angular momentum and the halo angular momentum, where each particle was a member of the halo. A plot of the particle angular momentum versus the cosine of the angle between the particle and halo angular momentum vectors implies that there is no trend towards alignment of particle and halo angular momentum. A plot of the distribution of (the absolute value) of the particle angular momentum implies that for this halo there is a trend for the particles to have a certain value for their angular momentum. Although other halos showed the same trend, few of the halos in the simulation were analyzed due to time constraints. So from this quick analysis it appears that there is no alignment in the halo but a trend towards a certain value for the particle angular momentum. A more complete analysis would involve analysing all the halos in the simulation and as a function of time.

Group Finding in N-Body Simulations

We used two algorithms to find groups in existing N-Body simulations. The Friends-of-Friends algorithm groups particles that are within a certain "linking length" of each other. Thus the name, which evokes the adage "A friend of yours is a friend of mine." The SKID algorithm uses a more sophisticated method, by finding density gradients in the simulation and evolving the orbits of particles along these gradients to create groups of gravitationally bound particles. SKID also performs a procedure called "unbinding" which removes particles that fall into density wells of a true group but are not in fact gravitationally bound to the rest of the particles in the group.

Angular Momentum Alignment in Cluster Simulations

We looked for indication of alignment of angular momenta within a cluster simulation. The net angular momentum of each group, or galaxy halo, was calculated as the sum of its constituent parts. This vector was then plotted with respect to radial distance from the center of the cluster. Two types of angular alignment were also investigated.

We investigated the magnitude of the angular momentum versus the distance from the center of the cluster. The halos at less than 0.005 (500 kpc) are located at the very center of the cluster. A trend towards lower angular momentum at the center is seen. Galaxies at the center of the cluster will feel the strongest gravitational force, which will strip away some of the dark matter halo of the galaxy, which contains a significant portion of the galaxy's angular momentum.

We did not find any angular correlation at the galaxy level in the cluster simulation, as seen in a plot of cos(theta) versus radial distance, where theta is the angle between the angular momentum vector and the radial vector. The plot at the bottom is a closeup of the inner region of the cluster. Note that the distribution is fairly isotropic over the range of the polar angle theta. We thus cannot draw any conclusions about angular alignment as a function of radius.

An "all-sky" type plot was used to picture the direction component of the angular momentum vectors for the cluster. In this plot, theta is plotted against phi times the sine of theta, where the cosine of theta is the z component of the angular momentum vector, and the tangent of phi is the ratio of the y and x components. Again we see a fairly even distibution. A larger sized point near the center of the plot indicates the total angular momentum of the entire cluster, found using the Friends-of-Friends algorithm. This probes for some sort of correlation between the net angular momentum of the cluster and the halos' individual components. We also examined a larger simulation of a filament, and used the same "all-sky" method to look for net alignment, perhaps along the axis of the filament, but none is evident in the plot.

Computing Our Universe, 1998