Baryon Oscillations Working Group Telecon 22 Sep 2004 Attending: Tamas Budavari, Saul Perlmutter, Martin White, Ivan Baldry, Nikhil Padmanabhan, Bhuvnesh Jain, Karl Glazebrook, Daniel Eisenstein, Mike Lampton, Mike Levi, David Gerdes, Eric Linder Multihump filters: Tamas Budavari outlined their use for improving photometric redshifts. He is awaiting throughput numbers specific to SNAP to carry out more detailed filter investigation. Such filters have not been implemented but there do exist interference filters with high resolution from Barr Associates. Finer photo-z would help cosmological parameter determination but also in preselection for spectroscopic followup. Ground: Photometric redshifts from the ground for redshifts z>1 are regarded as an iffy possibility. One can do ok out to z=1 but the IR is very difficult. One will gain something by having photo-z's for z=1 and z=3. Karl Glazebrook argues that spectroscopy with OH filters can work past z=1 without a huge hit. Time will be a large factor. A dedicated telescope covering 10000 sq.deg. might work for baryon oscillations - one would like a testbed first. Question as to whether for a dedicated telescope one could get away with a 4m rather than 8m. Space: Daniel Eisenstein said "The infrared is transformative for photo-z's". The different groups need to agree on what the percent improvement is for moving from a photometric to a grism survey. Caution about adding a new instrument component if it only offsets three years of work on ground. "You are giving back the advantage of space, the low noise, when you go slitless." Grism survey: does one get a systematics floor in a H\alpha survey from NII confusion - bias from the ionization state in the galaxy. Have we converged on 0.3% \delta z/(1+z) for the precision needed? Remember that R=75 on a point source may be only R=7 on a large galaxy. A diffuse line across the galaxy will make use of zeroth order for location of the galaxy very difficult. ACTION ITEMS: * The various groups should rationalize their photometric survey estimates on cosmological parameters, as a start. Eric will check derivatives and covariances with Hee-Jong. * Carry out the calculations for multihump filters for photo-z. Do we want finer resolution in dz at z=0.6-1 (to offset low volume) or z=1-1.6 (because more cosmological leverage). * Plan for another telecon first week in November. -Eric Linder (