Reducing Keck data, May 00 -IMH ------------------------------------- using dualamp mode: prepix=21 postpix=80 left side: [43:1066,1:2048] but bad column so use [44:1066,1:2048] overscan: [2091:2170,1:2048] rightside [1067:2090,1:2048] but bad column so use [1067:2089,1:2048] overscan: [2171:2250,1:2048] arc: l013x standard: 034 night 1 seeing 0.8-0.9" night 2 : bias levels have changed ! CCD crate was rebooted before start of night 3 and that brought levels back (1000 on left, 1100 on right) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bernstein: runs #039, 040 object at row 327 (pivot star at 460) AGN: OIII, Hb, OII z=0.599 files: l039c.fits, bernstein.asc, ------------------------------------------------------------------- Beethoven l041, l042 l046, l047 z~0.546 (OII line + type Ia like SN features) files beet_1.fits, beet_2.fits (summed pairs of 20 minutes) beet_c.fits, beethoven.asc ------------------------------------------------------------------- Berlioz l050, l051 > berl_1 l053, l054 > berl_2 l057, l058 > berl_3 positions of pivot stars shift l050 363.157 0.0 l051 363.799 -0.642 l053 311.904 51.253 l054 312.568 50.589 l057 270.594 92.563 l058 271.024 92.133 l061 l062 flats: l052 - different slit function from the other flats ? l056 l059 combined 056,059 > berl_flat normalise! used this to flatten all the images. sky subtract them all, rows 300-600 avoiding pivot star & object shift them and combine. Extract from combined image > berl_shc.asc Night2 berlioz: l137 364.082 0.0 l138 364.606 -0.524 l141 432.571 -68.489 l142 432.606 -68.524 l144 494.939 -130.857 l145 495.602 -131.52 l147 302.588 61.494 l148 303.125 60.957 flat: 140,143,146 fringe pattern looks pretty stable combine flats and use this one for all made fringe frame - not great cos pivot star in one frame overlaps object extracted 3 objects this time > berl_n2_shc ap1 = QSO ap2 = pivot star ap3 = Target combined nights one and two > berl_n1_n2c then did this accounting for wavelength shifts: berl_all berl_allc.fits, berl_allc.asc Maybe maybe a line at 6982A confirmed. Probably OII at z=0.873. No clear Sn features. There may be a bump at the blue end but this may be a flux-calibration problem. Needs more work. N.B neighbouring object, not extracted cos no continuum, has line at 767pix >> z = 0.874 --------------------------------------------------------------------- JC Bach 130,133 flat = l131 biases : 134, 135, 136 QSO at z=1.25 ??? files: bach_c.fits, bach_c.asc, ---------------------------------------------------------------------- rey33 couldn't see anything in 2d frames ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kabalevsky l154 possible line in 2d image OII at z~0.9 ? (pix 952) = 7318.7 if OII then z=0.96 Needs more tomorrow. night 2 data: (NB rotated by 180 deg). use bias_n3 l246s 573.892 l247s 574.181 l249s 489.115 l250s 489.607 flats: 248 Emission line is confirmed. No obvious SN features but spectrum is noisy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------